41.I Like You Better

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"Boom—Boom, boom, boom—"

On the left chest, there was a rush of heartbeat.

It's like hitting the drum head hard with drumsticks, there is no rules, no rhythm, and extremely messy!

After Zhang Jiu Ling said those words, Li Jiao kept looking up at him blankly, her big apricot eyes filled with water, she did not dare to blink, and her long, curled eyelashes flickered slightly from time to time.

Instructor, did the instructor just say he like me?

Really? Really?

Who will slap me and tell me this is not a pipe dream? !

He, does he really like me?


After a long time, Li Jiao's eyes were almost astringent before she said something blankly.

"Instructor, why don't you slap me and wake me up, a woman who dreams of big dreams."

Hearing that, Zhang Jiu Ling raised his eyebrows, and the corners of his lips twitched lightly. He was quite amused.

The first time he confessed to someone, the other girl thought she was dreaming?

He glanced at her, and the little girl opened her big round eyes and puffed her cheeks slightly, like a bulging little goldfish, looking at herself as a serious suggestion.

Inexplicably a bit silly, cute and silly.

Zhang Jiu Ling chuckled lightly, her temples cut like a knife, and her eyebrows like ink paintings, with the beauty of the breeze coming from her, just like the beauty of a bright moon in her arms.

Li Jiao was dumbfounded again. The little Li Jiao in her heart was full of tears in her eyes, and she stubbornly covered her mouth, but the tears still flowed out of her mouth.

I'm sorry, it's not that I'm not unhappy, but the instructor is so good-looking, hiss~ (slobber)...

Zhang Jiu Ling glanced at her, then smiled unknowingly, stretched out his hand and took out a small square box from his pocket.

"Hands out."

Li Jiao obediently followed, and stretched out her right hand.

Zhang Jiu Ling opened the box, and there was a silver bracelet lying quietly inside.

Li Jiao remembered instantly, isn't this the bracelet that got stuck on the net when she went to the club with someone last time?

However, it seems different.

Her bracelet is plain silver, without any decoration, simple. This bracelet is roughly similar to hers. But there is a small silver bell in the middle, which looks small and cute.

Zhang Jiu Ling took out the bracelet and fastened it on the girl's snow-white wrist. The silver bracelet was lined with the snow-white skin, which was really beautiful.

Li Jiao raised her hand and shook the small bell of the bracelet, which rang crisply.


She looked up at Zhang Jiu Ling, puzzled.

"This is the bracelet you used last time. When I went back, I found that I forgot to return it to you."

"I think it's too vegetarian, so I added a bell to you."

Zhang Jiu Ling's voice is clear and stringy, slowly, as if discussing how the weather is today, ordinary.

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