54.Sending a Picture As a Gift

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Li Jiao brought Zhang Jiu Ling to the backstage, and now all the people on the show were on the stage, and many people gathered around the front desk to watch the excitement. Therefore, the backstage seemed a bit deserted.

She looked around, no one was around.

Li Jiao hurriedly pulled Zhang Jiu Ling into the prop room, opened the door, squeezed in quickly, and quickly closed it again.

Zhang Jiu Ling let the little girl take himself to the backstage. Then, looking at her sneakily and suspiciously, she pulled him into a room without turning on the lights, Li Jiao hadn't turned on the lights, and the prop room was dark.

His eyes were smeared, and he couldn't see his fingers.

How does this feel... so like an affair?

In the dark, Zhang Jiu Ling raised his eyebrows slightly. Now little girls, all like to play like this?

The door was closed in the dark prop room, and the sound of the performance outside was faint and unreal. At this moment, the room seemed extremely quiet.

Without waiting for Zhang Jiu Ling to speak, he only heard the voice of the little girl next to him groping around, muttering.

"Oh, I forgot to turn on the lights."

"Hey, where is the switch?"

"Where is the door?"

"Where is the wall?"

Then, there was a quivering voice, it should be Li Jiao looking for the switch everywhere.

She had just stepped off the stage, and she could run without her mobile phone. In the dark, without light, she is a little blind.

The pace was cautiously tentative, bumping everywhere, his hands were dashing in the air indiscriminately, one left and one wave to the right.

"Huh, where's the switch?"

"Instructor, don't panic, I'll look for the switch."

The special forces retired, Zhang Jiu Ling had super good eyesight. He could probably see clearly even in the dark, and felt a dark figure in front of him. While talking to herself, the little girl used her hands to draw ghost symbols indiscriminately, trying to find the switch.

She can't see clearly and may be afraid of falling. So one foot does not move, one foot is like the small claws of an octopus, quizzing everywhere.

Zhang Jiu Ling who clearly witnessed everything: "..."

"Instructor, instructor?"

Li Jiao, who was in total darkness in front of her, couldn't touch the switch, and didn't hear Zhang Jiu Ling's answer. In her heart, she suddenly felt a little frightened.

Like a little ostrich, she shrank in place, her voice trembling, "Teacher, instructor~"

Van~Gao~Ah~I won't hit a ghost anymore.

When the words were over, Li Jiao suddenly felt that someone was approaching behind her until she stood firm. She took a step back subconsciously, pressing her back against the man's warm chest, a bit hard.

At the same time, she heard a slightly muffled, calm voice. The voice is gentle, a bit like the sound of a cello being gently pulled with a string. It sounded in the ear, sweet and gentle.

"I'm here."

These two words instantly gave her a great sense of security. Li Jiao, who was a little timid, immediately found the backbone. The corner of her mouth curled, sweetly said.

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