30.I Am Stalking As A Little Tail

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At the end of the zebra crossing, the person who came against the flow of people was tall and thin, and was about one meter tall and half a head taller than the people around him. He has short, crisp black hair with clean and sharp sideburns.

He is different from the usual camouflage uniforms. He wears a blue jersey with white background and is quite casual.

At this moment, he is not like a soldier or an instructor. He is more like an ordinary student in the university, wearing a jersey, is about to find someone to play.

In the narrow and long eyes, there is a familiar coldness. Don't get close to the aura for strangers who seem to have nothing around them, and automatically isolate others a distance.

She came to face him, Li Jiao stood in the crowd, watching him quietly.

On the left chest, the place called the heart, the beating sound was unusually obvious and rapid.

It turns out that there is really a feeling called...

Li Jiao feels that if it is a TV series now, it must be a very classic scene.

The actor walks slowly, the picture begins to slow down, and a burst of romantic music plays. The flow of people around was blurred, the hostess looked up, the two looked at each other, staring for a long time...

At this moment, Li Jiao especially wants to call Gu Pingping, so be sober and come back to me soon!

Open your small eyes and show me clearly! !

My instructor is 10,000 times more handsome than your instructor...

When she was stunned, Zhang Jiu Ling was already almost in front of Li Jiao. She hurriedly hid in the crowd next to her and passed by.

After returning to her senses, Li Jiao wondered, what am I hiding for?

Shouldn't she actively brush her presence in front of the instructor so that the instructor will remember her?

Pig brain.

Turning around, Zhang Jiu Ling had already walked the zebra crossing, turned and walked to another street.

The time for the green light was almost up, and the sound of "Hum, Hum," was heard.

On the zebra crossing, Li Jiao was the only one left. A car honked her horn to remind her to leave.

Seeing Zhang Jiu Ling's departure, Li Jiao was very firm and ran to follow.

Knowing that Zhang Jiu Ling was a special soldier, he must be very keen on other people's tracking, Li Jiao also deliberately dropped a lot, and followed him far behind.

She feels especially like a moron who covets other people's beauty and then follows others.

No, no, she just wanted to take a picture of the instructor and show it to Gu Pingping.

Walking out of the bustling commercial street, the surroundings slowly became remote, turning around and around, Li Jiao followed Zhang Jiu Ling and stopped at the entrance of a club.

"V 9 club", the sign at the door, the font is extremely flamboyant, dragons and phoenix dance.

Obviously it is in English, but it writes out the domineering side of calligraphy.

Zhang Jiu Ling had already entered, and Li Jiao stood at the door, tangled for a while, but followed in.

For beauty, no, for photos, she went forward!

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