76.I will take you home.

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Before Liu Yang said that Chen Ju was looking for him, now that Wang Haonan said that, Zhang Jiu Ling probably knew what was going on.

Pushing open the door of the conference room, there is no light in the room, and in the center is a large screen projection, emitting a light blue light, on which is projected the personal information of Luo Cheng they just discussed.

In the middle of the conference room is a long table, hollow in the middle, sitting on both sides of the military and policemen, one police uniform is sky blue, the other military uniform is pine green.

The door opened, and a group of people looked towards the door.

Seeing the two, Chen Ju of the Police Department waved to Zhang Jiu Ling.

"Jiu Ling, come and sit down with you two."

Zhang Jiu Ling and Wang Haonan were seated, the door to the conference room was closed, and Chen Ju stood in front of the projection screen and looked at everyone present.

Tilt his head to look at Zhang Jiu Ling next to him.

"Jiu Ling, you should know why I called you over today."

Zhang Jiu Ling nodded slightly. Seeing this, Chen Ju pointed at the person on the projection with a metal shrink stick, and continued.

"Everyone should know that the reason why our military and police are together today is because of this person."

Zhang Jiu Ling glanced at the time on the phone, unlocked the screen, tapped on WeChat, and talked back.

"It was luck that he could escape back then."

"This time, his life is exhausted."

With that, he tapped the screen with his slender finger and sent a message to Li Jiao on WeChat.

"I have something to do at noon, so I won't eat with you. Don't forget to have lunch when you draw."

Not long after the message was sent, the opposite person came back quickly. Li Jiao sent a fat tiger emoticon bag with his back to him, and a word "hum" next to him.

Just looking at this emoji package, Zhang Jiu Ling seemed to be able to see the little girl's angry face, her cheeks bulging, and her round eyes staring at him, so cute.

Looking at the emoji package on the phone screen, Zhang Jiu Ling slightly curled the corners of his lips.

He almost forgot, the little girl was still angry with him.

After thinking about it, he edited another message and sent it.

In the studio, Li Jiao, who was painting, felt the vibration of the mobile phone, and when she unlocked it, Zhang Jiu Ling sent over an emoticon pack that she had used before.

A puppy was lying on the ground, pitifully, with two small paws making a "please please" gesture. Please, forgive me.

Seeing this emoticon, Li Jiao couldn't help but laughed. Pursing the corners of her mouth, after thinking for a while, she also returned an emoticon package to him.

A kitten arrogantly pushed her waist and raised her chin, very proud. With two words, "please me."

Zhang Jiu Ling posted the puppy's emoticon again, and then typed two words, "Please."

Li Jiao was happy when she saw the news, holding her mobile phone, grinning, and smiling like a little fool.

Hahahaha, let you laugh at me in the morning, now you have to come and beg me hahahahahaha—

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