80.Will It Be Her????

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In the studio, both Zhang Yue and Su Linlin looked at Li Jiao worriedly. She hasn't spoken since she saw the painting was destroyed.

Su Linlin said: "Jiao Jiao, it's okay. The teacher came just now. She said that the work was damaged and she would report it to the department."

"Also, for your final work, she will also apply to the dean of the department and ask you to submit it a few days late."

"Yes, Jiao Jiao, don't worry, we will work together on New Year's Day," Zhang Yue also persuaded, "Linlin and I will help you shape the shape together."

In fact, Li Jiao wasn't particularly sad, she felt very surprised. Who on earth would do such a thing?

She raised her head and looked at Zhang Yue and the two, with a hint of doubt and uncertainty in her eyes.

"Boss, Linlin, you said, the person who drew my painting, is it the same person who wrote me the fake registration form last time?"

Hearing what Li Jiao said, the two also felt that something was wrong. The last time Li Jiao was falsely written on the registration form, she didn't find out who this person was in the end.

There were too many people who signed up at that time, and she didn't know how the registration form was stuffed into it.

In addition, Li Jiao later went on the court and ran. Although there was a fracture, there was nothing serious about it, and there was not much investigation. Thinking, who might be the prank.

But she didn't expect that such a thing happened again this time.

These two things are hard to not associate with.

Su Linlin frowned and walked two steps in place, her expression a bit solemn.

"I think it might be the same person. The second time, who will it be?"

Zhang Yue rarely went online for a while.

"The person who was able to put the registration form in before must be someone in our class."

"Otherwise, she wouldn't know that Jiaojiao's painting is about to be completed. By coincidence, she just scratched her painting at this time."

Li Jiao nodded, feeling reasonable. This person is definitely the place in the class.

However, she really didn't have any unhappiness with anyone in the class.

The little girl frowned, like an angry little bun, her cheeks bulging, grieved.

"Where did I offend her."

"Right," Su Linlin seemed to have thought of something suddenly and looked at Zhang Yue.

"The previous application form is still in the office, right?"

Zhang Yue has been helping out in the department recently, but she knows. Hearing this, nodded puzzled.

"Ah, what's the matter?"

Li Jiao reacted, "Yes, you can take that registration form back and compare it with the handwriting of the classmates!"

"Yes, that's it!" Su Linlin said.

With a solution, Zhang Yue immediately took action, took out her mobile phone, and hurriedly wanted to call the classmates in the department.

"Wait, I'll call someone right away and ask where the registration forms are."

She has to get that person out, she wants to see who is so vicious in the end!

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