49.Give Him His Debut

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Three people came to the classroom, half of the classmates had arrived. Many people gathered in a group, discussing something fiercely, looking very excited.

"Let me tell you, Chen Xianxian from the Department of Foreign Languages ​​is pretty, what a goddess."

"What, isn't Li Churan from the Chinese department good-looking? She has a fair complexion and a pair of long legs."

"Eh eh eh, look at this, look at this."


Several boys gathered around, looking at their mobile phones, exclaiming from time to time.

At the same time, the girls also gathered in a few small piles, whispering and whispering. Occasionally holding his face, showing a brilliant nympho smile.

"This handsome, this handsome."

"I know this, Yang Chengxu from the Institute of Physical Education!"

"I'm going, I can do this, handsome!"

"No, no, I want to vote for him."


The teacher didn't come, and this group of people had been chatting in full swing.

Su Linlin leaned over curiously and spent a long time reading a post on the school post bar.

She doesn't know who is the boring person who created a ranking of new handsome boys and beautiful girls. As the name suggests, it is to find out the beautiful and handsome boys among the freshmen who entered the school this year and make a ranking.

It sounds boring and naive, but there are actually many people posting updates.

"Well, the elementary school girl who just came to our dance academy will ask you if it is beautiful!"

"Hey, I have seen this girl, she is really beautiful!"

"Don't tell me, in which district and building the girl lives, I'm ready to sack."

"Look at this, Li Henan from the foreign language school likes to play basketball. I heard that he is still single."

"Wow, I have abdominal muscles."

"Excuse me, whoever has red dates, I have a nosebleed."

"Let this elementary school brother be careful, the senior sister climbs the sewer pipe thief and pulls fast."


Among so many people, there are of course many beautiful and handsome men in the Fine Arts Department who have been on this so-called ranking list.

Among them, there is another acquaintance.

Tang Yuran, she looked pretty good. I heard that she had been dancing for a few years before, and she also had a good temperament. The neck is raised high, like a proud white swan.

Many boys like her girl with a goddess temperament, and they have left a message below.

"This school girl is not bad, do you have a boyfriend?"

"Be more reserved upstairs... She should like my athletic handsome guy, right?"

"Eh eh eh, upstairs, this is the ranking list, not the blind date network, you two are still planning to get together online."

"Seriously, this school girl is pretty good."


Zhang Yue saw Tang Yuran's photo and handed it to Li Jiao. Su Linlin was wandering around in the handsome guy rankings with her eyes shining, and she sighed idiotically from time to time.

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