65.Come On

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In mid-November, the weather was not so good, not to mention the cold weather in Nanshi.

Early in the morning, a layer of white mist appeared at Nantah University, which was hazy and faint. Golden trees, unmanned stone benches, and the huge lake are surrounded by white mist.

Everything is covered with a veil of mystery by this white mist.

Li Jiao got up early and ran two laps on the track to warm up before the race started. Su Linlin and Zhang Yue only woke up when they returned to the bedroom.

Seeing her coming back from outside in a sports outfit, Su Linlin asked.

"Jiao Jiao, did you go for a lap early in the morning?"

Li Jiao nodded, slumped back on the chair, holding the insulated water cup, and took a big sip.

"Well, I went out and ran two laps to warm up. The fog outside hasn't cleared yet."

Zhang Yue came in from the balcony after washing herself, holding her two shoulders and shivering.

"It's not that I said, the south is colder than the north, damp and cold, and magical attacks are the most deadly."

With that said, she came in and closed the door.

"Jiao Jiao, are you confident in today's game?"

Li Jiao shook her head, a little frustrated.

She just tried to run, but it still doesn't work. Maybe it's because her attribute of the sports waste is too strong.

Seeing this, Zhang Yue grinned and comforted.

"It's okay, if you can't run after a while, Linlin and I will come and run you."

"That's right," Su Linlin agreed, "Anyway, they are all student referees. I know a few too. I'll say hello when the time comes. We will pull you over and finish the run. Don't be afraid."

Li Jiao nodded solemnly, looking low-willed. With her head hanging down, like an abandoned stray cat, she almost put a basin in front of het begging for dried fish.

Upon seeing this, Su Linlin and Zhang Yue wanted to comfort her. With a "dingdong", Li Jiao's cell phone rang.

When he took it out, it was a message from Zhang Jiu Ling.

"Come on for the game."

Behind it, there is also a special emoticon pack of "Fat Tiger, Go On", which is probably searched on the Internet, and the watermark is still there.

Seeing this message, someone who was still downcast suddenly became full of energy. Little student Li Jiao "teng" got up from the bench, clenched her fists, and said ambitiously.

"I will die on the runway even if I die today."


Su Linlin: Actually, it's not necessary.

Zhang Yue: First in the game, second in life, oh no, life is the greatest!

At eight o'clock in the morning, the golden sun emerged from the clouds, and the golden morning sun was radiating, radiating in all directions, warm, like a gift from heaven, selflessly gifted to the earth.

The light dissipated the white mist, and the broad sports field fluttered with colorful flags, and youth was permeated. The students from each department stood in the class position in an orderly manner, whispering these words in a lively manner.

On the high stage, the school leader said a lot of encouraging words, like friendship, and competition second. I hope everyone can get good results in the competition.

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