83.New Year 's Eve

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After such a small episode, the two wanted to go to the downtown square to watch the fireworks. Later I thought, there must be a lot of people there.

Not wanting to be crowded, Zhang Jiu Ling drove the car and parked on the outer edge of the downtown square to ensure that it was quieter and could see the fireworks.

The two of them sat in the car and looked at the central square not far away. Although it was not time yet, it was already crowded and lively.

The central square is empty and surrounded by tall buildings. It is a bustling economy. On the huge electronic screen, colorful, blue, green and green flashes, passing various blessings about the New Year.

Before the time was up, the citizens spontaneously played music, danced and sang, carnival in advance, and the atmosphere was extremely warm.

Zhang Jiu Ling tilted his head and asked Li Jiao, "Do you want to go over and take a look?"

Li Jiao glanced at the front, there were too many people, and then shook her head.

"Forget it, just here."

Just look at it, it's fine if people crowded in the past.

There was an overwhelming carnival outside, cheering to welcome the arrival of the new year, noisy, noisy.

In contrast, the car is very quiet.

Li Jiao turned her head, looked at Zhang Jiu Ling, and asked curiously.

"Nine-year-old, how did you spend the New Year's Eve before?"

Hearing this, Zhang Jiu Ling couldn't help but stunned.

The meaning of New Year's Eve, he seems to have never really understood or felt it.

When he was in the army, he was nothing but a holiday. He don't even know what New Year's Eve. In addition to training, it is to carry out missions everywhere, at home and abroad, counter-terrorism, peacekeeping, arrests, and wars.

Remember, he performed the most dangerous mission, and that day also happened to be the New Year's Day.

In the city A, where war has been constant all the year round, and the eastern border area, gunfire and artillery fire in the vicinity rang out one after another. In order to occupy oil resources and seize territory. It has long since become a purgatory on earth.

The originally peaceful village, a cannonball like a black meteorite fell from the sky, and it instantly turned into ruins.

The corpses were blown to pieces, everywhere, blood, killings, gunpowder, greed, violence, everything, nakedly exposed.

The Chinese military received a peacekeeping mission and sent special forces to support it. Zhang Jiu Ling and Wang Haonan were in this team, sitting on the plane, they watched this barren land, there was a black gunpowder and fire.

Decisively descended from the sky without hesitation.

It was December 31st in the Chinese New Year. Originally, the Chinese should cheer for joy and hope for the New Year's Eve.

Under the moonless night, he and Wang Haonan were hiding in the gunfire, behind a peasant's mound. The two were back to back, their eyes were alert, and they were armed with guns.

After the bomb exploded, he was stained with black gunpowder soot. There are holes that have been grazed by bullets, as well as various types of loess and sand. The camouflage combat uniforms on both of them were all black and ugly.

There are thick camouflage on their faces, their foreheads and temples are filled with a chill of heroism, and their eyes are firm and sharp and murderous.

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