79.New Year's Eve is Coming

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December 30

At the end of the year, it straddles the penultimate day of the new year. The school is full of excitement about the upcoming New Year.

Even, in order to celebrate the new year. On the campus of NTU, some people hung various red lanterns on the branches of the campus this morning. There are also female classmates who are ingenious and don't know where they got the red ribbons and tied them to the trees.

Looking from a distance, it's prosperous, it's really beautiful, but it really feels like a Chinese New Year.

Nantah is an art academy, and usually pays more attention to various festivals, customs, and performances. They are all organized by students. The atmosphere is strong and happy.

This New Year's Eve, the school leaders also let the students play around.

Nanda Liberty, to put it a bit exaggerated, as long as you don't blow up the school. Just running in the school naked, no one cares about you.

There's no way. Those who study art are open-minded.

Tomorrow the 31st New Year's Eve is Saturday, a holiday day. You can go out to play, and if you stay in school, there will be an orientation party at the performing arts venue, and the whole school can go to see it.

Li Jiao has been living in Zhang Jiu Ling's house these days. Although she is an officer of the Department of Propaganda Department, she is not clear about these things at the school.

However, she doesn't need to perform this time anyway, everything is fine.

Early in the morning, Zhang Jiu Ling drove Li Jiao to Nantah University, then turned around and headed to the City Police Department. He didn't feel the atmosphere across the New Year at all.

These days, the police, including the military, are tracking Luo Cheng's whereabouts everywhere. But this person was too cunning. After knowing that he was wanted, he kept hiding without showing up.

Now, maybe it's hidden in which dark corner.

There is such a dangerous person who has not been arrested and brought to justice. The police station is always flying around every day. Sometimes it receives false news from the masses. After several times, it is a bit of a waste.

It can be said that all the police in Jeollanam-do now hate Luocheng very much, because they, all the policemen have never had a holiday, and they wander around all corners of the city every day, and they are in a state of preparation for a long time.

As the core figure of this arrest, Zhang Jiu Ling naturally couldn't take any time off. He went to the police station for meetings and discussions every day. Based on the feedback from the masses, he thought about where Luo Cheng would appear.

Sometimes, he still need to drive around like the police in the city.

In order to be able to catch people sooner, he even used himself as a bait, and failed to attract this cunning poisonous snake.

Zhang Jiu Ling is very busy these days, Li Jiao certainly feels that every time he takes her home, he sometimes runs to the police station late at night without much rest.

Today, after Zhang Jiu Ling sent her to Nantah University, the little girl sat in the car and looked at him happily.

"Jiu Ling, can you rest tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow night New Year's Eve, I heard that there will be fireworks on the central square, shall we go together?"

In fact, she didn't really want to watch fireworks, just wanted Zhang Jiu Ling to take a day off. These days, he is too busy, his feet are not touching the ground, and he often stays up all night without sleeping.

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