34.Additional Training For 5Kilometre

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"Well, classmates, now we start training."

"Let me see how your military punches are going first."

Wang Haonan quickly entered the role and began to lead people to train.

"All of them have, Jun Tiquan."

"Prepare for fighting."





After a set of actions, Wang Haonan nodded in satisfaction, not bad, really worthy of the class led by the boss.

"Okay, good fight."

"I will look at your pace again."

"All of them, take a rest, stand at attention."

"Step together-go!"



With neat and powerful steps, the shoes hit the ground with a uniform muffled noise.

Zhang Jiu Ling's strict requirements for them before, now all the results are revealed. One by one, he was full of energy, and his temperament looked different from other classes.

"Hey, the last girl in the first row, watch the road."

Wang Haonan leaned slightly and looked at Li Jiao, who was at the end of the first row. She had just learned the news that the instructor had left. She was very low, looking bored and absent-minded.

On two occasions, she almost walked out of the team.

Although Wang Haonan is gentler than Zhang Jiu Ling, he should still be strict in training. He had just seen this little girl, who had been listless, just walking in unison, the pace was wrong twice.

He frowned slightly, "Last one in the first row."


Li Jiao subconsciously replied loudly, looking to the front of the team, only to find that she was not the one she was familiar with.

The light in her eyes dimmed instantly, and she was extremely disappointed.

Before, when the instructor didn't know her name. She is always called "the last one in the first row."

Wang Haonan said: "The last one in the first row, go out."

"Get on the track, run two laps and come back."



At the end of the day, Li Jiao made frequent mistakes because of her distractions during training. Wang Haonan took her out and ran away two or three times. But Li Jiao still looked like a dad.

It was like a small flower without water, falling in a flowerpot, desolate.

"Jiao Jiao, is Jiao Jiao okay?"

Su Linlin and Zhang Yue ran over and looked at Li Jiao worriedly.

At the end of the day, there was not much training, and Li Jiaoguang ran away.

Zhang Yue looked at Li Jiao who was pale and worried.

"Jiao Jiao, are you okay, do you want to take a break first?"

Li Jiao shook her head feebly, and forced a smile, like a fragile white rose.

"It's okay, I'll finish the run first."

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