39.Are You Angry???

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On October 1st, the motherland’s mother’s birthday is celebrated throughout the country. At this time in Nanshi, small red flags are hung on both sides of the street.

This year is different. The National Day is more grand than ever. In 19 years, the 70th anniversary of the motherland, the whole country attaches great importance to it.

In Nanshi, a city-wide cleanup was even carried out in the early morning and overnight last night. Not only were small red flags hung on the street lights on both sides of the road, even the flowers in the flower beds were specially placed in the red flags.

The green grass and trees have also been bathed. They are lush and lush and sunny, and welcome the birthday of our motherland mother with the most energetic side.

At first glance, it was bright and bright, and a sense of pride emerged spontaneously. It is also like a broad road that symbolizes the future of our motherland, the sun is shining, invincible, and unstoppable!

This year's patriotism seems to be particularly warm.

Just last night, residents in Li Jiao and her community all hung small red flags from the windows. A large number of properties were specially purchased, standing at the gate, and distributed to residents.

Li Jiao's house was hung up by Li Hang this morning. There was a huge five-star red flag that Li's mother bought specially.

Early in the morning, she heard the voice of Li's mother commanding.

"Oh, hang over, go over."

"It's crooked, the national flag must be upright."


Standing on the bench, Li Hang stretched out half of his body, propped on the protective fence, and hung a red flag on the eaves of the window. Because the flag was too large, he was caged inside, and his face was bright red.

"Eh, mom, are you all right?"

"Hey, it's all right, it's all right, it's all right, you get down quickly, be careful, don't fall."

"Although our fence is newly installed, you don't have to personally check the safety."

Li Jiao was wearing yellow Pikachu pajamas, rubbing her eyes, walked out of the room sleepily, and yawned.

"Mom, what are you doing early in the morning?"

Mother Li turned around, saw her daughter, and said.

"Wake up? I have breakfast on the table to warm myself up. Isn't it the National Day today, the 70th anniversary, Mom wanted to hang a big national flag to celebrate the National Day, right?"

After listening, Li Jiao glanced at the window, her eyes widened suddenly, oh, let me go, what is the national flag that is as big as a curtain?

As soon as the light came through, the room was all bright red.

What is this called?

The glory of the right way (party) fell on my face?

Ma yeah, Li Jiao lifted the edge of her pajamas, stood on her toes, and made a small circle.

I feel sublimated instantly!

Li Hang jumped off the bench, bared with his big white teeth, and held an extremely brilliant smile on his face. He walked over, touched Li Jiao's hair, and violently ravaged him indiscriminately.

"Ah, touch the pig's head in the Year of the Pig, don't worry about everything!"

Li Jiao's hair exploded instantly, like a thorny sea urchin head, with two long beards on top of her head, turning into a messy little mad woman.

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