6.Ground Attraction

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Tang Yuran ran from behind, surpassing her, her back was still very arrogant, but looking at the steps she couldn't lift, she couldn't get any better than Li Jiao.

The girl with braided braids, a little slower than Li Jiao, fell half a circle around her, and is still running slowly behind her.

Li Jiao stopped and rested in place for a while.

Looking at the runway, there is still half a lap.

The hair under her hat was wet, it was all sweat, and when she stood still, she could even feel sweat dripping from under her scalp. Her cheeks were blushing from the sun, and her skin was originally white, but now she looks like a seductive red apple.

Li Jiao pursed her dry lips, with small dimples on her lips, and her round apricot eyes looked at the road ahead, revealing a touch of firmness.

In the last half circle, she can, come on.

After standing for a while, regaining some strength, Li Jiao ran again.

When passing by the resting flower bed, the few people who hadn't been there, also ran.

Li Jiao glanced at the five extra people in front of him, did not speak, and continued to concentrate on running.

The five people didn't run for two laps, they were naturally strong, and soon surpassed Tang Yuran and ran to the forefront.

Tang Yuran didn't rest, but it was getting slower and slower.

Li Jiao ran slowly, seeing Tang Yuran who was only a few steps ahead, and just wanted to catch up with her a little faster.

Tang Yuran knocked her foot and fell to the ground with only a "boom" sound.

"Yu Ran."

Li Jiao ran over and helped her up.

"Are you okay?"

Tang Yuran frowned, bit her lip, and shook her head.

Li Jiao glanced at her feet, "Do you need to take you to the infirmary?"

Tang Yuran stood up holding her hand with difficulty, "It's okay, I can."

"But," Li Jiao tried to persuade her to take a look, but she was interrupted.

"I don't need you to help me, I walk by myself."

With that said, she let go of Li Jiao's hand and limped to leave.

"Let me help you."

Li Jiao went to help her, but she waved away.


Tang Yuran's eyebrows were cold, and the tails of his slender eyes were raised, looking a little impatient.

Li Jiao was stunned for a moment, unable to understand why Tang Yuran seemed to dislike them very much from the beginning.

If she doesn't talk to the people in the dormitory, or accept help from anyone, where does her hostility come from?

Tang Yuran limped and walked out a short distance. Li Jiao looked at her for a while, did not speak, and ran past her silently.

Since she doesn't like herself, she doesn't have to rush to find it unhappy.

When Li Jiao finished the last lap and was about to return to the military training field. I saw Zhang Jiu Ling standing at the end waiting for them.

Beside him, there are still the girls who ran back first.

Li Jiao increased her speed, panting and ran to the finish line.

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