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Li Jiao felt that although everyone did not do very well, the instructors were too fierce, and they would blow their enthusiasm as soon as they came.

She narrowed her mouth secretly, hoping that she would never make a mistake in the future, otherwise, the instructor might "dead" her.

Zhang Jiuling: "Twenty minutes of extra training for all!"


No one dared to cry as soon as he said this, and could only show panic with his wide-open eyes.

What a devil, devil!

Thirty minutes plus twenty minutes, fifty minutes!

"All stand up, don't move!"

"Move it up, add a minute!"

Now, no one really dares to do anything.

One by one, with their chins held high, their chests and abdomen held up, they tried their best to control their body shape.

Can't move, can't move!

Li Jiao's whole body was even more tensed, from the top of the head to the toes, even her eyes were squeezing, staring like a little goldfish.

Can't move, can't move!

If you move it, it's dead!

As time passed, the entire military training field was extremely quiet, and only occasional corrections made by individual instructors could be heard.

Thousands of freshmen are as if they have been given a fixation technique.

Among the countless classes, the people in Class 1 are the stiffest and stiffest.


Because there was a devil instructor in their class, he glanced coldly, and the whole class didn't even dare to breathe!

They are wrong, what kind of handsome instructor do they want! ?

This instructor is handsome, but hell!

The sun above his head quietly moved its position.

The hot sunlight directly casts on the top of the head, under the military training cap, sweat is constantly dripping down. Along the hairline, next to the ears, and then to the chin, drops of sweat formed.

September this year is hotter than in previous years. Just standing in the military posture has already brought down several students.

The freshmen in the military training field were all in a trance, and they were very hot.

Just when they thought they were about to end their lives, the chief instructor gave a whistle and roared with a big horn.

"All, rest, fifteen minutes!"


Everyone immediately cheered, but immediately followed by the roar of their own instructor.

"What is it called, what is it called!"

"Did I make you move!"

"All stand up!"

"Ten more minutes!"


Hearing the scowling and wailing sounds around, the entire group of people sighed with emotion. Fortunately, they didn't move, otherwise, another ten minutes would be required!

Also, their own devil instructors did not speak, and they would never move.

Looking at the people who hadn't moved from start to finish, Zhang Jiu Ling said with a cold tone.

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