38.Send Him A Message

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Because Li's father didn't work overtime and didn't go home, the three of them had dinner in advance. After the meal, the aunt next door talked to Mom Li and went out.

At home, only Li Jiao and Li Hang are left.

Internet addiction teenager Li Hang, watching his mother go out, immediately went to his parents' room and stole the phone back in the next second.

Humming a tuneless little tune, the hair that has just taken a shower, is still ticking in the water, wearing white loose short sleeves and big black pants, leisurely like an old dog walking man.

"Li Hang, have you written your homework, and are you playing games again?"

Li Jiao leaned against the door frame of the room, looking at someone walking into the room with a helpless expression.

Hearing this, Li Hang raised his head, glanced at the pajamas she was holding, and made a face at her.

"Little dwarf, just a little bit, take your bath, wash your pigskin well."


Li Jiao was about to go over and beat him right away, Li Hang straddled his legs and got into the room first, closed the door, and banged.

Across the door, Li Hang laughed wildly inside.

"Hahahahahaha, the little dwarf has short legs, can't catch up hahahahaha—"

"You can't beat me, there is no way, I'm just so strong la la la la la la la la la la la la -"


Li Jiao kicked the door with anger, frustrating her way.

"Li Hang, don't come out if you have the ability!"

"When you come out, I will tear your mouth!"



Turning around, Li Jiao hugged her clothes angrily and walked into the bathroom. Looking at the self in the mirror, her cheeks were flushed, and she was obviously angry.

Li Hang, trash brother!

After a long time, Li Jiao took a comfortable hot bath and came out of the bathroom. The air outside was cool and somewhat cold.

She couldn't help but shrank, turned around and rushed into her room.

On the ground, there is a large suitcase, the zipper is unzipped, and it is spread out on the ground with a clear view.

There are only a few clothes in the box. Li Jiao walked over and knelt down, trying to clean up.

As soon as she picked up a piece of clothing, she saw a military hat with a hard brim, green like pine needles, calm and cool.

Just like his master.

"This...military cap..."

Li Jiao thought for a while, isn't this the hat that the instructor lent her when she went to train around the lake?

When she came back that afternoon, she passed out at night training. Later, she washed the hat and wanted to return it to him, but forgot. This hat has been kept here forever.


Li Jiao took the hat, walked to the bed, lay back, and fell into the soft quilt.

By the way, the instructor left her a phone call!

Li Jiao's eyes lit up instantly, she got up, grabbed the phone from the table, and sat back on the bed.

When she found the name, she specified her white hand in the air. She bit her lip while entangled. Should she call or send a message?

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