Chapter 1: Why are we here?

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"Hey." said a maroon cyborg as he repaired his weapons

"Yeah?" said a tanned fat dog faunus in an orange hoodie as he laid in his bed

"Do you know why we're here?"

"It's one of life's greatest mysteries, isn't."

The cyborg stopped his work and looked up at his comrade continuing his sentence.

"Why are we here? I mean, are we the product of some cosmic coincidence? Or is there really a god watching everything? You know with a plan for us and stuff. I don't know, man, but it keeps me up at night.

They both silently look at each other

"What?!" said the cyborg. "I mean why are we here in this hotel, going to attend in Beacon Academy in Vale and not Valhalla Academy back in Chorus"

"Oh. Uh... Yeah" replied the hoodie

"What was all that stuff about God?"

"Uh. Hmm.... Nothing"

"Do you wanna talk about it?"


"You sure?"


"Seriously though, why are we here in Vale? I mean I know Sarge ordered us to be here and now he's now a teacher in Beacon but wouldn't be better for us to be in Valhalla, Grif?" asked the cyborg

Grif sat up and answered "First of all, you are still a fucking kiss-ass, Simmons. Second of all, we're here because Sarge and Church decided that we need to be here till things back home to cool down, even though we are famous because we took down the Meta"

"Really... because I thought we were sent here spy on this Kingdom since Chorus is opening its borders for the time in centuries so we make no one threat to us." said Simmons

"Oh yeah, that too" said Grif

"Well I for one really like Beacon"

Simmons and Grif turned to see a person with curves in the right areas and  smooth, shaved, fair skin and long, gorgeous, lightish red hair with ears sticking out and had a towel a long his chest


"Donut, what the hell took so long in the shower?" asked Grif

"It can take so long to look this great" said Donut in an annoyed manner

Donut was putting on his underwear with hearts When there was a knock on the door. Donut turned around and opened it. It revealed a man in brown, metal armour with no skin showing holding case filled with dust and bag filled with clothes

"Lopez, you're here! Tell me, how was the trip to the mall?" asked Donut

"Había matones tratando de robarme, pero rápidamente los cuidé y los puse en un contenedor de basura." {There were thugs trying to rob me but I quickly took care of them and put them in a dumpster.} said Lopez

"Great, right. Its always fun when you try out clothes for fun" translated Donut

Lopez sighed at the pink idiot and put the bags on the beds.

"Alright, we're nearly ready for tomorrow. We got Dust for our weapons and extra clothes." said Simmons "Now we need to pack all of these into our suitcases"

"Man, I hope Kaikaina and the Blues have to work this hard" said Grif

In a hotel across, there was a man with a brown mohawk in cobalt t-shirt reading a book called "How to tune a sniper rifle for an idiot". Somehow, people keep fucking with his scope, causing him to miss about 99.999% of his shots

"What do you think the reds are doing?"

The teen with a mohawk looks up to see the black goat faunus with tied dreadlocks and horns, in turquoise holding a "unique" magazine. 

"What?" He said

"I said what do you think the reds are doing now, Church?"

"God damn, I'm getting so sick of answering that question!" said the mohawk as threw up his arms

The teal then said "I'm sorry but don't bitch at me because I'm not just gonna sit here play with my di-" but he was cut off

"Okay, okay, look. I am pretty sure they're just standing around and talking, okay? That is all they're doing. That's all they ever do, is just stand and talk. That is what I said last week, that is what I said when you asked me 5 minutes ago. So, 5 minutes from now, when you ask me, "What do you think the reds are doing?" My answer is gonna be "I still think they're still just talking, and they're still just standing there!""

Silence filled the room

"What do you think they're talking about?"

"You know what? I fucking hate you, Tucker"


The Duo then looked at the bed to Church's and saw a teen with messy hair in a blue pj, playing around with his assault rifle.

"Unlikely, Captain Caboose" said the gun

"Thank Oum, he and Dr Grey found that AI"

Caboose then pulled trigger with the barrel in front of Church's neck scar and confetti came out

"Tucker did it"

"Dude, I am right here" snapped Tucker

"Tucker said it"

"Listen here, you little shi-"

"Guys, please be quiet and leave Caboose for one night, I have the worst hangover" said a dog faunus in a yellow tank top lying in a bed next to Tucker's

"Did you really have to go out drinking so much, Kaikaina?" asked Church

"Yeah, It was worth it. I'd blew so many dudes there"

"Wait what?" asked Tucker looking away from the magazine

"Okay... changing topics, Tex is come back here with the dust so we have be ready to pack" said Church

"Right" said the others

"So I might as well tell you about the Ination . Thanks to Doc's intel, basically we get launched to a grimm infested forest to try to find some relics and return back. Also we make partners by having eye contact with the first person you meet.

"Alright, so my partner can be a really hot chick" said Tucker

"Don't worry, Church. I will find you" said Caboose creepily

Everyone was little taken back with this

"Alright... so since we're at a place reputation does matter, Don't do anything to embarrass us." said Church

Everyone nodded. Church then put down the book and his sniper and laid down on his bed and every one did the same.

"Ooh, that reminds me, you don't have to worry about that for me" said Kai

"And why's that, Kai?" asked Church

"Because I am not enrolling" she said

Everyone else shot up and said "WAIT, WHAT"

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