Chapter 10: Jaunedice

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It was a combat class and Jaune was fighting Cardin and losing. Jaune took a breather while Cardin was standing there, waiting and laughing.

Jaune got up and charged at him, slashing at him with Crocea Mors. Cardin dodged and swung the Executioner at him. Jaune blocked it with his shield and knocked back. He got up and slashed at him again. Cardin stops it with his mace and both got into a lock position

"This is the the part where you lose" said Cardin, easily overpowering him

"Over my dead-" Jaune was cut off when Cardin kicked him in the stomach

Jaune falls to the ground and Cardin raises the Executioner for the final blow

"Cardin, that's enough"

A buzzer was heard and Mrs Goodwitch stepped on the stage. Above them were holo-boards showing Cardin's and Jaune's aura with Cardin's being full and green while Jaune's was low and red

"Students, as you can see, Mister Arc's aura has now dropped into the red. In a tournament style dual, this would indicate that Jaune is no longer fit for battle and that the official may call the match" Glynda turned to Jaune

"Mister Arc, it's been weeks now, please try to refer to your scroll during combat. Gaging your aura will help you to decide when it is appropriate to attack or when it's better to move to a more defensive strategy. We wouldn't want to be gobbled up by a Beowolf, now would we?"

"Speak for yourself" said Cardin. He then left the stage

"Remember everyone! The Vytal Festival is only a few months away. It won't be long before students from the other kingdoms start arriving in Vale, so keep practicing! Those who choose to compete in the combat tournament will be representing all of Vale"

The bell rings meaning the class is over. Pyrrha looks at Jaune who is still on the ground, looking gloom

"So there we were..." said Nora "In the middle of the night..."

"It was day" corrected Ren with his cup of coffee

They were in the cafeteria with their team, RWBY, SDG, and CL. Blake was reading a book, Church was still reading the letter he was given, Weiss was filing her nails, Jaune was playing with his food, deep in thought, and everyone else was paying attention to the story

"We were surrounded by Ursai"

"They were Beowolves"


Donut gasped

"Two of 'em"

Ruby and Pyrrha noticed something wrong with Jaune

"But they were no match and in the end, Ren and I took them down and made a boatload of lien selling Ursa skin rugs!"

Ren sighed and said "She's been having this reoccurring dream for nearly a month now"

"I can take a look into it if you want"

Everyone looks to see Doc and Sister, both in lab coats

"Hi, nice to meet everyone. I'm Dr Frank DuFrense and this is my assistant, Kaikaina"

"Hey, Doc. Hey, Kai"

Sister waved and looked at Jaune and Ren

"Ooooh, who are these handsome guys?" She said flirty

"Ahh, what's going on?" said Jaune, he snapped back into reality after she said that

"Everyone meet my hormone crazed sister, Kai" said Grif

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