Chapter 4: Painting The Town...

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Church waits for the elevator to get to his floor as he stood right next to his father, not uttering a word to him. Behind them, Weiss, Simmons and the two guards were all uncomfortable in the awkward silence

"So you're Church's father" said Weiss, deciding to break the silence

"Yes, I and his mother raised him for a long time" answered the Director

"Yeah, and after she went missing, YOU decided to keep extremely close tabs on me"

Simmons walked past them and started to rapidly press the button to the floor they're going on

"It was for your safety" Dr. Church tried to keep his composure

"I'm pretty sure I got into more danger because of it!"

"You ignored the Freelancers and my warnings"

Weiss went to Simmons and also rapidly pressed the button

"Why the ever living fuck would I listen to you?!"

"Do not let your arrogance consume you. It is a rather unbecoming trait, Leonard"

"Whoa-ho-ho-ho-oh! Are you seriously giving me a lecture on arrogance right now?!"

At this point, the guards also went to Simmons and Weiss, and pressed the button in rapid succession as the argument behind them blew up

After the truth is revealed, Ruby tries take it all in but is still confused about the situation

"Guys, I-I don't understand..."

Penny still confused about Lopez, decided to go first. "Most girls are born, but I was made. I'm the world's first synthetic person capable of generating an Aura" She turns her head to the side sadly. "I'm not real..."

Ruby looked at Lopez for his story

He sighed and said "Traduce esto, Penny [Translate this, Penny]" He put his helmet back on "A few years ago, Sarge got his hands on a design from Atlas somehow and reverse engineer it into me" He sighed. "We are not real"

Ruby took Penny's hands in her own. "Of course you guys are. You think just because you've got nuts and bolts instead of squishy guts makes you any less real than me?"

"I don't... um..." Penny was confused about Ruby's reaction "You're... taking this extraordinarily well"

"Sí, pensé que te desmayarías [Yeah, I thought you'd faint]" remarked Lopez

"You guys are not like those things we saw back there" Ruby taps their chests. "You two have a heart, and a soul; I can feel them!"

"Ooohh... oh Ruby" Penny grabs Ruby into a hug and shakes her back and forth, cutting off her oxygen supply "You're the best friend anyone could have!" She turns to Lopez and hugs him as well "And you Lopez, thank you for showing me that I'm not alone!"

Lopez tried to think what to do to show his gratitude. He then settled on an awkward pat on the back

Ruby slowly losing air, said "I can see why your parents would want to protect such a delicate flower!"

"Lo dudaría seriamente para los míos [I'd seriously doubt it for mine]" remarked Lopez

Penny releases both of them, fully back to her happy self. "Oh, my father's very sweet! He is the one that built me! I'm sure you would love him!"

"Wow, He built you all by himself?" asked Ruby

"Well, almost! He had some help from Mr. Ironwood"

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