Chapter 12: Breach

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On Beacon's grounds, Jaune walked along it with his team, SDGL, and Sarge with an itchy trigger finger, mumbling to himself. Jaune was deep in his thoughts, he was worried about Ruby and Church and what could happen to them

"Hey, Jaune?" asked Donut. "What's with the long face? You're still thinking about the others?"

"Yeah..." He answered

"I'm sure they're fine." reassured Pyrrha

"You think?"

"Yeah, they're all probably kicking butt and taking names!" said Nora, playfully

"Team RWBY has always performed exceptionally in the field." said Ren.

"And the Blues have batshit crazy luck!" added Simmons

"Honestamente, me sorprende que todos sigan vivos. [I'm honestly surprised they're all still alive]" said Lopez

"Maybe we should check them!" said Sarge, obviously desperate for action. "I mean they're probably surrounded by Grimm and White Fang! And we'll bust in with a magnificent entrance! And when the battle is finished, we'll bury the fallen away from Grif's coffin to protect from corpse cooties"

"Why do you assume I'll be dead?" asked Grif

Sarge just stared at him

"Never mind..."

"I just got this feeling..." said Jaune, still down. "I don't know."

"Jaune..." Pyrrha was about to comfort him when Donut spoke up

"Hey, someone lit a really big bonfire in the city!" He said excitedly. "Isn't that neat?"

Everyone turned to his direction and wore shocked expression's as they see the city on the horizon up in smokes. Suddenly, alarms rung out and Grif, Nora, and Donut cover their ears.

"¡Eso no es una hoguera, tú retardo rosa! [That's not a bonfire, you pink retard!]" shouted Lopez

"Haha, yes!" Sarge cocked his shotgun. "Action awaits us!"

Jaune then ran to the nearest Bullhead with his team as Sarge ran to Warthog with SDGL. Both then departed to the smoky city as Mercury, Cinder, and Emerald watch nearby.

"You don't think..." said Emerald

"Sure looks like it." answered Mercury

"That's still days away!" raged Emerald

"So? What do we do?" He looked at their leader as she made a decision

"Great, great, great..." These are the words that ran through Church's head as he saw Grim in the city, surround him, his team, Kai and RWBY. All of them had their guard up as the Grim snarled at them. It seemed like hours as the Grim stared them down before the King Taijitu roared, beginning the battle

Ruby went first, sniper jumping into a open area in between the beasts. With a big smile she dug her scythe into the ground and hung on as she spun around. Several Grimm were knocked down due to the fury of Ruby's running over their heads.

Yang charged towards an unknown looking Grimm and jumped off it's hump shaped nose. In the air above she rained her Ember Celica shotgun shells down on any Grimm unlucky enough to be in her way. As Yang was in the sky, small Nevermores flew behind to strike from behind her, forcing to slam to the concrete below.

A beowolf attempted to slash Blake but was blocked by her sheath and stabbed by Gambol Shroud. She removed the blade from it's sheathe and transformed her blade into her pistol and let the bullets hit every incoming enemy in sight.

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