Chapter 13: Are You Red-E?

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Sarge and Lopez had finished welding the final rocket launcher onto the turret of the Warthog. Sarge took off his welding goggles, wiped his forehead and took a step a back to admired their work

"Isn't she beautiful, Lopez?" He asked

"No tan hermosa como Sheila[Not as beautiful as Sheila]" said Lopez

"Yeah, you're right. She could be better"

"Tenemos que ir a clase[We need to go to class]" said Lopez as he checked his Hud. He pointed at the top of his wrist

Sarge looked at his watch. It was 8:40 "Ah, dangnabbit. Well time for class!" Just as he turned remembered something

"Sargent, for reasons I can't understand" said Glynda, coldly "You can now teach your first class on Survival Tactics and Stratagems because Mr Anciano retired so don't screw it up!"

Sarge then threw his hands up and said "Lopez! Today's my first teaching!"


Team SDGL, JNPR, CLMA and RWBY sat in the front row as Sarge walked around.

"Hello, I'm Prof Sarge" People looked at him in confusion "Yes, it is my name, and in here you may call me sir or sergeant" He clapped his hands together "Now... You're all maggots and I'm here to make you rise above maggots and into worm territory!"

Everyone except SDGL and CLMA jumped in surprise

"And you will find no finer example than this pile of dung seated right here!"

Sarge pointed at Grif, who had been forced to sit in the front row.

In the back sat three particular people of out the other thirty or so students watching the exchange.

"Sheesh, what's his deal with Dexter?" Jaune whispered to Simmons

Weiss peeked at what Simmons was writing and was horrified at what she saw. He was writing every word that Sarge was saying. Even the insults

Simmons hummed. "It's a little more complicated than "beef". In order to fully explain it, I would have to pull up Word, with a 15-paged essay that in detail, will explain why Sarge hates Grif"

Sarge continued while pointing at Grif, "As you can see, class, our esteemed dirtbag Grif here suffers from Uranium Gysotomic Lynostic Yeast-Infection since childhood and only got worse after he contracted Distol Uranium Masticular Bi Acetone Systonic Shit over the years he has served in Cronus Academy!" Sarge paused for dramatic effect "In layman's term, he's an UGLY DUMBASS"

"I'm right here, you know?" said Grif

"Ahah, right where I want you! In 'UGLY DUMBASS' territory!"

Grif sighed in resignation. "...Whatever"

"That's mean!" said Ruby. She was still technically in her room, resting till her leg healed but with Simmons help, she can now project herself as a hologram from a scroll

"Don't stand up for me, Rubes. He's been doing this forever"

"I mean, You're the biggest-looking guy in Beacon so far" said Jaune. He gave Sarge the benefit of a doubt "You, Dex, looks like he wrestles bears on your spare time, so that's gotta mean something on your part."

"Thanks, man"

"Nah, he just realized that if he has bigger muscles, he can shoot bigger guns," Simmons quickly corrected

"Fuck (Language!) you, Simmons"

"Once, he tried to fire an experimental Altas weapon that was bigger than his torso back then. Months with his arms in a cast did not sit well with him so he finally started lifting weights" said Donut

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