Chapter 3: Guess Who Did It...

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Locus walked along the pier, walking past old, run down, abandoned warehouses beside him. Based on the bartender's info about a man in a grey and orange suit blabbing about it, Locus kept walking along them, inspecting each wall of them before stopping on one.

He went towards the wall of interest and pressed his fingers on the three scratch marks. Locus looks at the gate entrance, putting on his bandana mask and shades before opening it slowly.

He walked inside, closing the door behind him. Locus then looked what was in the interior, nearly impressed at what was inside. It was a whole lot of Atlesian technology being stocked by White Fang. Paladins, planes, vehicles stocked into large metal containers and thousands of Atlesian ammunition and weaponry were being taken out of shelves, along with boxes of presumably dust, judging by the Schnee insignia on them.

Locus then hears footsteps coming towards his direction. He turns to two soldiers, coming out of the corner with their weapons. The men then searched around, unable to find the invisible Locus walking past them.

"Find anything?" blared out their radio.

"Sorry, nothing" The two men lower their weapons.

"I swore I heard something."

"It must've been the wind!" the scroll angrily blared. "Come on, Felix wants us to transport these in a few days or he'll kick the shit out of us."

The soldiers nod to each other and quickly towards where the others were putting Paladins into containers. Locus then uncloaked at a pile of wooden boxes, hiding from sight. "What are you and your boss planning, Felix?" Locus thought to himself. He doesn't know how much time he has but he knows that he needs to get to the bottom of this.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome back to another exciting match of the Vytal festival!" declared Wiz.

The crowds roared, still hurting the ears of the group. "My golly! I hadn't heard this much screaming and roaring since the Battle of the Broken Ridge!" shouted Sarge.

"The battle of what?!" asked Weiss

"I'll exchange history notes with you later, Weiss!" shouted Simmons through the noise.

"This matchup now is certainly very interesting" said Oohbleck, sounding intrigued. "But before we get into the details, I'd like to introduce the team who's on my left side of the field, Team CLMA!"

The mentioned team walked onto platform, making their way to centre. Church went first, giving a small wave to the crowd, opposite to Tucker who's put fists up in the air and made "call me" signals to any women he sees in the crowd, and Caboose waving rapidly in excitement as he sees the crowd.

Kai begins to cheer for them. "C! L! M! A! GO CHLAMYDIA!"

Church flinched as he barely heard the cheer. Nora and Sarge spat out their drinks as everyone else, but a clueless Ruby started to laugh.

"It's Columbia!" corrected Grif


Church sighed and kept giving that small wave. He did not need to deal with that right now.

"Everyone is looking at us!" shouted Caboose, excitedly. "Hi everybody!" 

They eventually stopped at the centre and looked opposite side, anticipating whoever their opponents are.

"Yo dudes, who do you think we're facing?" asked Tucker. "I am betting hot chicks!"

"I'll take those odds," said Church

Team CLMA, An RVB and RWBY fanficWhere stories live. Discover now