Chapter 1: Round One

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Ruby with her hood up and her hands clasped, stood near a cliff side as the golden sun in the orange sky shined on her and the autumn trees behind her. As her cloak bellowed petals in the breeze, she looks at the headstone below her, sighing. She then read the inscription: "Summer Rose – Thus Kindly I Scatter"

Ruby lowered her hood, smiling sadly downward and started chatting with a dear member of the family: "Hey, mom. Sorry I haven't come by in a while. Things have been... well, things have been, pretty busy. Oh, Dad's here, too! He's, uh, you know... Dad." She shrugged at this. "He's still teaching at Signal. But he told me that he's going to be on some mission soon. I think he misses adventuring with you." Her happy expression falls. "I miss you too..." She quickly snaps out of her sadness. "Haven't gotten kicked out of Beacon yet! So that's cool. I think being on a team with Yang helps. Keep her in line... That was a joke. She's actually a really great fighter! You can tell she's learned a lot from Dad! Oh, so are Weiss and Blake. Oh! They're my teammates! Together, we form Team RWBY! And yes, before you ask, that does cause a lot of confusion. Anyways, I made a bunch of new friends, one of them now that I think about sounds like an angrier version of Dad, oh! But he's actually a nice guy once you get to know him!" She quickly added. "And then I met some... let's just say, uh, odd teachers. Oh! We've also stopped some bad guys, too! I guess it's like they say: "like mother, like daughter"! I still wonder why Ozpin let me into the school early. But uh, I guess he'll tell me one day. You know how he is. It's funny, the more I get to know him, the more he's starting to sound like Uncle Qrow."

A bark alerts her to the ever-adorable Zwei and the sight of her blond haired father, Taiyang Xiao Long, in the trees behind her.

"Oh! Looks like Dad's back! I gotta go! He's dropping me off at Beacon for the tournament match before he goes on his next mission. Wish me luck!" She puts the hood back on and starts to walk away, but turns and delivers one final message to her dear mother. "It was good to talk."

High above the ground, a floating white giant stadium of brilliant machinery and collaboration hovered up above Vale, the Amity Arena. Inside, crowds of people cheered or yelled at what was happening. Each viewer were from around the globe, from the cities of Chorus, the deserts of Vacuo, the snowy land of Atlas, to Mistral's bountiful forests. The crowd were so fixated at what was happening in the middle, their cheers were heard from the streets below.

In the field of volcanic earth and icy glaciers below, Ruby fires and swings her Crescent Rose at a target as Blake Belladonna exchanges blows with Reese Chloris, the blades of her Gambol Shroud colliding with the hoverboard of her opponent until she flips away, readies herself, and charges in again. Behind her, Weiss  waves her Myrtenaster as the sound of her mystical power is heard, and finally Yang dodges the explosive force of Arslan Altan's fist before returning fire with her own Ember Celica.

High above the action, two familiar teachers and a youthful duo are sitting at an announcer's desk, with a microphone between them and the holographic image of the five kingdoms' symbols united as one.

"OH-HO! It seems that we have another astonishing bout ahead of us!" commented Port. He looked at his colleague who sat on the other side of the youthful duo. "Wouldn't you agree, Professor?"

"Doctor." Oobleck said, annoyed. "And yes Peter, I think it's safe to say this match may be the closest we've seen of the four-on-four round of the tournament!"

"I disagree, there is still a few matches left" said the man in a lab coat next to him. He was a fighting analyser and physics expert; hailing from Chorus, named Wiz. "For those of you just now joining us-"

The fourth spokesperson had interrupted him, taking his mic. He was a weapons expert and connoisseur of drinks and other activities which shall not be mention. Also from Chorus, Boomstick shouted into the mic, "...It's time for THE VYTAL FESTIVAL TOURNAMEEEEEEEEENT!" A few explosions had rang out on the field as he said this

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