Chapter 12: Feeling Blue

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(This is my first story without an episode to base it on so bear with me)

Church laid on his bed at morning awake at 7:00. He looks around and sees that Tex is recently awake and in the bathroom, Tucker is still asleep in his bed and Caboose's boxes of mayonnaise that he got yesterday was beside his bunk. He then silently opened his bedroom drawer and took out the letter. He sighed and reads it once more

"Dear Junior
it's been a year since we last interacted we each other. Your sister is very worried about you. She may not show it but she does when her guards is down. You're also lucky I sent Agent Washington and not any other agent to shadow you or you'll stop having those adventures with your friends. You're probably angry about me talking to the headmaster but it was to make sure you actually got accepted there and no, I haven't done anything to make you get your position of leader. That was entirely Ozpin's choice. I know when we last talked to each other, we left on bad terms but please, respond to my letter so I know your wellbeing"

On the bottom, there was a printed words that came with the paper

"From the Director of Project Freelancer, Dr Leonard Church"

Church snapped back to reality as he heard Tex sharpening her knives. He put the letter back into his drawer, got up and went to Tucker to slap him

"Ow, what the hell?!" said Tucker angrily. He was about say something else when he heard the sharping of knives "Shit!" Tucker grabbed the uniforms and raced out of the room

Church then looked at his bunk mate, Caboose who was still sleeping.

"Caboose! Get up!" said Church, panicking

Caboose still snored. Church quickly goes to their fridge and gets another cookie. He goes back to his bunk, climbs it and puts the cookie in front of Caboose's face. He wakes up and immediately eats the cookie

"Good morning, Church!" He said cheerfully

"Tex is sharping her knives, lets get out of here!"

Caboose gets down and walks quickly out of the room with Church. As soon as they left, Tex exited the bathroom. A knife was heard being thrown at the door

"That was close, Church" said Caboose

"Yeah" responded Church "You guys, alright?"

"Yeah, I think" said Tucker. He leaned on RWBY's door which opened causing him to fall at Yang's feet, who was in uniform. He accidentally looked up her skirt and accepted the quick jab

"Morning, Lavy" said Yang, calming down

"Hey, ow, Yang" said Tucker. He put his hand on his face

"Lavy?" said Church with glee

"Oh fuck off, Church" said Tucker, getting up with

"Morning, guys! And language!" said Ruby

"What's your deal with our language?" said Tucker

"It's just rude"

JNPR and Simmons and Grif, all in uniform opened their door to check the commotion

"Morning, guys" said Simmons "What's going on now?

"Yeah" said Weiss, peeking from the door "Why are you out here?"

Her answer was another knife being thrown at CLMA's door

"Uh, What was that?" said Jaune

"That would be Tex finishing sharpening her knives" answered Church

"Oh" said SDGL

"Meaning?" asked Pyrrha

"When Tex is finished sharpening her knives, she starts to throw them. And me, Tucker and/or Caboose are the usually the targets" said Church 

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