Valentines Special

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Church woke up in his bed. He stretched himself, opened his scroll and checked the date, the 14th of Feb.

"Crap" He got up, got dressed and tiptoed out of the dorm.

Once out, he exited the building and walked in a certain direction. He then sent a text to Sarge, telling him he'll be late or absent, and made his merry way out of the building.

Tex woke up in her bed. She stretched herself before pulling back her messy hair away from her face.

She looked around and noticed her boyfriend is not in his bed, nor was a shower was heard. She got up and looked around her dorm but didn't find him.

She checked her scroll and saw the date today. She was a taken back a bit but shook it off and started the shower.

Tex, Tucker and Caboose who was fiddling with something under the table, were siting in their seats, waiting for Sarge so the class can taken begin. They were also sitting with RWBY, JNPR and SDGL.

"Hey!" The trio drew their attention behind them to see Ruby seating with her team. "Where's Church?"

"We don't know" said Tucker, shrugging his shoulders. "He wasn't in his bed this morning"

"Where do you think he is?" asked Weiss.

"How the hell should I know?"

"Probably, cheating on Tex" said Cardin, butting into the conversation from afar.

"No, he's too afraid of me to do that" said Tex, dismissing the thought entirely.

"Well, he must be somewhere" said Yang. She looked around and saw Caboose fiddling with something under the table. "Hey, what you got there, Caboose?"

"Oh, just a present" He revealed his pink, heart-shaped, badly tied present to the others.

"Oh, who's the lucky lady?" asked Jaune.

"Church" He answered causally.

RWBY, JNPR and earsdropper took a moment to register who it was for.

"Church?" asked Pyrrha.


"The guy who literally says he despises you right to your face?" asked Yang.

"Uh-huh, good times"

"It's normal, guys" defended Donut. "He asks Church out for Valentine's day every year"

This intrigued the group even more.

"He asks Church out for what?" asked Simmons, looking puzzled.

"Valentine's day" answered the light red cat, happily.

Simmons still looked puzzled which the others noticed.

"The day where we celebrate love" said Yang. Simmons still looked confused.

"And romance" continued Weiss. This still did not ring any bells for him.

"You know, girls?" finished Grif.

"Oh oh!" Simmons finally got it. "Oh, Yeah! Duh, I totally know about that day!" He lied. "I celebrate that day all the time, with all kinds of ladies"

"Really?" asked Tucker, clearly not convinced.

"Oh, you guys just don't know any of them, and uh... I don't talk about it because, you know, that wouldn't be cool!"

"Yeah, I'm sure" said Grif, also not convinced. "So why didn't you know what Valentine's day was?"

"Oh, I just didn't understand what you guys said" lied the Cyborg

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