Chapter 11: No Brakes

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Ruby slid across the floor next to the tracks with her arms up. She took them down and saw the mob boss approaching her.

"Wow!" said Roman, laughing. "You are much more manageable without that oversized gardening tool of yours."

Ruby gets up and charges at Roman, which he simply sidesteps, sending Ruby stumbling across the floor.

"Oh man. You know, Perry, I really did need this."

Church reluctantly raised his thumb in agreement as Roman laughed. Felix beside him, kneeled down and inspected Church's body, resting his hand on his neck before caressing it with his knife

"So how did the Director's golden child die?" He asked. "Please tell me it was painful"

"Eh, I don't know" Church answered. "He was like that when I found him"

"Wow!" Felix said. He had his back turned against him. "To be honest, I should've expected this. He was more of moron than that blue friend of his"

Church slowly pulled his weapon out, seconds from pulling the trigger before quickly putting it down as Felix got up and turned around. He walked past him and towards Ruby

"Now on to more pressings matters..." He twirled his knife as Roman also walks over to Ruby, kneeling down and aims Melodic Cudgel at her.

"How'd you find this place, Red?" asked Roman, treatingly

Ruby growls and uses her Semblance to escape Roman and start running for an exit.

"Whoa!" Smiling, Roman stands up, spins Melodic Cudgel in his hands, and aims the handle at Ruby. He fires the handle, which doubles as a grappling hook, at Ruby, catching her by her hood and allowing Roman to pull her back.

"Oh, for fuck's sake" thought Church

"I see you've got some tricks up your sleeve!" said Roman. "Let me make this clear" The hook stops dragging Ruby at his feet and he flips his cane up, retracting the hook. "We're not through here yet."

Felix beside him knelt towards Ruby with his knife when a massive explosion was heard, causing everyone to look up.

"Oh, what the... Perry, if you and the boys could take care of that?" asked Roman. "Kinda in the middle of something."

Church nods reluctantly and is about to go off to investigate it when another one goes off.

"Okay, WHAT is going on here?!" asked Felix, annoyed

A third explosion sounds and multiple White Fang members come running around the corner, some firing at an unknown enemy. Tex appears from the corner, power kicking an enemy while her team, Ruby's, and Oohbleck followed her, much to Roman's and Felix's annoyance.

Ruby decides to take this moment to try and escape. She jumps on Roman's shoulders, pulls his hat down over his eyes, and then flees towards her friends.

"Somebody kill her!" ordered Roman, readjusting his hat

He and the White Fang members around him open fire on Ruby, which she dodges and weaves between.

Felix looked around and noticed something. "Hey, where's Perry?". He felt a tap on his shoulder, turning around and immediately gets struck on the face. Roman and the others stopped shooting as Felix fell to the ground

"THAT felt good!" exclaimed a fully alive Church. He took out Epsilon and flew from the scene as White Fang shot at him. He then caught to Ruby and ran with her

The broken nose in an orange tie got up, pissed. He took out a pistol and aimed it at Church. Suddenly, the pistol was shot out of his hand. Felix looked around and saw Locus on one of the rooves

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