Chapter 6: The First Step

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The Reds and Blues ,along with the students, went to their lockers to get their weapons

"I know!" said a ambitious girl in pink to a calm boy in green "We have some sort of signal, like a distress signal*GASP* A secret signal so we can find each other in the forest. Can you imitate a sloth?"

"Nora" said the quiet boy as he unsheathed his weapons

"Yes, Ren?"

"I don't think sloths make a lot of noise"

"That's why it's perfect! No one would expect we're working together"

"Come on, Nora. Let's go"

"But not 'together' together" She giggled as she followed Ren

"Jeez, does that girl ever stop talking?" asked Church as he got his sniper rifle

"She's been talking to that dude since morning, talk about commitment" said Tucker, twirling something in his hand

"Alright huddle up, you do know what's happening?" asked Tex

"Oh we're just gonna be launched into the air and land in Ruby Forest and the first person we see is our friend" Caboose said as he cleaned Freckles

"Close enough" said Tex as she put on her pistols, turning them into gauntlets

"The pink lady is right, we should come up with a plan to stick together!"

"Caboose is right, sort of. What if he kills someone that isn't me?" said Church

"Let me try something" said Tucker "Hey Caboose, what do you do when you meet somebody new?"

"Oh, I try to be friends with them and I help them"

"Yeah, he's going to kill someone"

"So, you seem awfully chipper this morning" said Yang

"Yeah. No more awkward small talk or getting to know you stuff" said Ruby as she was getting Crescent Rose and strokes it "Today I let my sweetheart do the talking"

"Well remember, Ruby, you're not the only one going through initiation." said Yang "If you wanna grow up, you gonna have to meet new people and learn to work together"

"*Groan* You sound like dad" said Ruby as she puts back her weapon in the locker "Okay, first of all, what does meeting new people have to do with fighting? And secondly I don't need people to help me grow up. I drink milk"

"What about when we form teams?"

"I don't know. I'll just be on your team or something"

"Maybe you should try to be on someone else's team"

"My dearest sister, Yang. Are you implying you do not wish to be on the same team as me?!" asked Ruby calmly

"What! No, of course I do. I just thought... I don't know. Maybe it'll help you break out of your shell"

"What the! I don't need to break out of my shell. That's absolutely-"

"Ridiculous!" said Jaune as he walked around "There's no way I put gear in locker 363 yesterday. I would've remembered having to count that high. Why did this have to happen today?"

He walked past the Reds getting their weapons in the armour

"Are you serious, Grif?" said Simmons, taking out his Simmonisers
"You would really eat a cooked tarantula? "

"Hey if we're out of food, I'd have to" said Grif as he took out what looked like a grenade launcher with a blade on the back

"Si nos quedáramos sin comida, sería por ti, gordo [If we were out of food, it would be because of you, fatso] said Lopez, using a wrench on his arms

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