Chapter 8: Soldieries, Players and Pieces

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"RUBY!" screamed Weiss as she hung on "I told you this was a terrible idea!"

She, Ruby, Tex and Caboose held on the back of a Nevermore, a giant bird grimm

"We're fine!" shouted Ruby, holding on "Stop worrying!"

"Oh, I'm so FAR beyond worrying!"

"In a good way?!"

"In a bad way! In a very bad way!"

"Look!" said Tex "I see the others down there!"

"Let's jump!" exclaimed Caboose excitedly

"I agree!" said Ruby

"What are you?! Insane?!" said Weiss

No one answers her


Ruby, Caboose and Texas fell from the sky about to plummet to the ground when Jaune flew by and hit Ruby and Texas into the trees, leaving Caboose to plummet near Church, flinging him into wall which makes dust and rubble all around him. Unknown to the others, due to it covered in a cloud dust and some rubble, Church was stabbed by his sniper rifle

Tex recovered quickly from the impact. She sees that their on a tree branch and that Ruby is unconscious and shakes her awake.

"Ow, what was that?" She said, dizzily

"Eh hem" 

They turned to see Jaune, hanging upside down from a branch. 

"Hi, Ruby"

"Did your sister and your friends fall from the sky?" asked Blake to her comrades

"I-" Yang was cut off by an Ursa emerging from the trees.

It slashed in the air before falling on the ground and Nora and Donut rolled off its back

"Yee haww!" said Donut

"Aww, it's broken" said Nora sadly

Behind them, Lopez and Ren climbed off its back with Lopez holding Ren still

"Nora.." called out Ren "Please don't ever do that again"

"Ella debería estar encerrada en un asilo [She should be locked in an asylum]" said Lopez

When Ren and Lopez looked up, they saw Nora and Donut was gone. They then saw them eyeing the queen pieces.

Nora picked up the white one and started doing various poses and sang "I'm the queen of the castle, I'm the queen of the castle"

"Oh hey guys" said Donut as he walked pass the trio. He took the black one and said "Lopez, this is in absolutely fine condition-"  

"NORA!" called out Ren


Nora did a salute and skipped to Ren

"You want to see it yourself in person? Okay!" said Donut as walked to Lopez

"Did those girls just ride in on an Ursa" asked Blake

"I-" Yang was interrupted by "FUCK!" Simmons and Pyrrha run out of the woods with a Death Stalker chasing them and a Chiro Wayner soared the skies.

"Jaune!" called out Pyrrha

"Pyrrha!" said Jaune, still hanging

"Whoa" said Ruby as she and Tex got up and left the tree


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