Chapter 14: The Stray

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RWBY, CLMA and Kai walked out of a weapon store. Church was admiring the new scope, peeping through it. It had a far better range from the old one.

"So, you like it?" asked Ruby

"Hell, yeah!" He said as he zoomed in "This is so much better than the old one!"

"Can I look through it?" asked Caboose

"Sure, buddy" He puts the scope towards Caboose's eyes

"You know, you and Caboose aren't that different" remarked Yang

"Oh, up yo-" Church stopped

The teams wondered why he stopped midsentence and looked ahead. The streets of Vale was decorated with green, red and yellow streamers and balloons that are everywhere and the old shopkeeper is putting up a banner, saying : "WELCOME TO VALE!"

"What the hell?" asked Tucker

"The Vytal Festival!" exclaimed Weiss, happily, as the group followed her 

"The what?"

"Oh, this is absolutely wonderful!" She said, ignoring Tucker

"I don't think I've seen you smile this much, Weiss" remarked Ruby "It's kinda weirding me out"

"Yeah, what happened to our lovable, cold-hearted, cruel and ruthless Ice Queen?" asked Tex sarcastically

"It's just so hard not to be happy for the Vytal Festival"

CLMA and Kai tilted their heads

"The Vytal Festival?" Weiss continued "We celebrate it every two years, for the ending of the Great War?"

"Ohhh" They said. Tex quickly texts something to Washington

"Well, since you don't know it, it's where schools from around the world come together to celebrate! There will be parades, dances, a tournament! Oh, the amount of planning and organization that goes into this event is simply breath taking"

Yang sighed and said "You really know how to take the a good thing and make it sound boring "

"Quiet, you"

"I expected this kind of behaviour from Simmons, not you" remarked Tucker

Weiss grunts and stops at the docks along with the others

"Uhh, why are we at the stupid docks?"

"Uh, they smell like fish" complained Ruby

"Yeah, I haven't smell so much fish since the third time I got pregnant" said Kai

"Wait, what?"

"Just ignore it" said Church

"I heard the students visiting from Vacuo will be arriving by ship today" answered Weiss "And as a representative of Beacon, I feel as though it is my solemn duty to welcome them to this fine kingdom"

"Aren't you from Atlas?" asked Caboose

"Well, yes but-"

"She wants to spy on them so she'll have the upper hand in the tournament" answered Blake

"Ahh" said Kai

"Ah! You can't prove that!" said Weiss

Tex and Church feel a tug on their shoulders. They turn to see Ruby pointing at something. They turn and see a broken in dust shop covered in police tape

"Whoa" said Tex

They went towards it and sees detectives investigating

"What happened?" asked Church

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