Chapter 14: End Of The Beginning

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Ozpin and Cinder clashed weapons against each other. After a clash, Cinder slides back, using her hand to melt the floor below her, and summons ice crystals from the newly-formed substance, hurling them towards Ozpin. Ozpin deflects them all by moving at superhuman speed, and then darts forward and delivers a bunch of strikes at Cinder with his cane, with the last blow launching her back. Cinder then floats mid air by unleashing her Maiden power. Ozpin then slams his cane into the floor, forming a spherical force-field around him. Cinder then unleashes a powerful fire blast, with Ozpin leaping into the attack with the barrier protecting him before everything went white.

Above, Port and Oohbleck oversaw the evacuation of Beacon at the docks as Air buses picked up the last few civilians and students.

"That's it! Everybody on board! This is a mandatory evacuation!" shouted Port

"A safe zone has been established in Vale! Please, remain calm and listen to Atlas personnel!" shouted Oohbleck.

Close by, Weiss, Donut and Caboose stares at what is in front of them, all in disbelief. As Ruby, Wash and Church who held Tex in his arms comes running down the path, Zwei barks to alert Weiss to her leader's presence, and Weiss turns around to greet her. "Ruby!"

"Oh, I found you!" exclaimed Ruby

"Guys, where have you-"

"No time, Tex got shrapnel near her lungs!" shouted Church.

"Oh, no!" shouted Caboose. "Are you gonna be okay?!"

"I'll live~" Tex said weakly.

"Where's Doc?!" asked Wash

Unsure of what to say, Weiss lowers her gaze sadly. "Weiss? What is it?" asked Ruby

Weiss steps aside, giving Ruby a clear view of the horror behind her. Tucker kneeled beside Blake who laid beside Yang, unconscious, who was being tended to by Doc and Kai. Tucker and the girls had bandages over their wounds, one in particular that was catching Ruby's eye. Behind them bruised and battered, Nora, Ren, Grif,  and Donut laid on the ground, bruised and battered, as Sarge stood over a battered Simmons who borrowed Grif's weapon as a crutch.

Blake reaches over and places her hand on Yang's. "I'm sorry." Tears started to form from her eyes. Shocked, Church laid Tex on the ground as Ruby reaches out and opens her mouth to say something, but in her emotional state, she doesn't know what to say. Blake curls up, closing her eyes. "I'm so sorry."

"Yang..." was all Ruby could say.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Rosie," said Sarge. He looked around and wondered something. "Hey, where's Lopez?" He watched Church look at him and just sigh. "Oh..." Him, Donut, Grif and Simmons looked down in grief.

"Hey." Sun walked on over. "She's gonna be okay. The soldiers have a ship ready to take you guys to Vale."

"But Jaune and Pyrrha are still missing," said Nora. She attempts to stand, but she quickly sits back down, groaning and holding her side.

"What!?" asked Ruby

"Look, guys, that giant Grimm is circling the school! Even the White Fang are pulling out! We all have to go, now!" exclaimed Sun.

"We're not... leaving!" shouted Ren. He stands up, but then falls to his knees. "Ugh!"

"At least... not without them!" grunted Grif, struggling to get up.

"Private Grif, that might've been the most amount of effort you put into something selfless," said Sarge.

"I'm sorry, but he's right," agreed Wash with Sun. "Currently, we don't have the firepower to fight off this many Grim." As he said this, Sun turns and casts a worried look at Blake.

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