V. 2 Prologue

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The Director, President Kimball walked towards a Pelican with bodyguards. As they approach it, they see a woman in armour, tinkering with the aircraft and ordering people to do things

"NO! No!" She said to a man moving crates "That goes there and that one goes here"

The man grunted and pushed the crates to the correct places

"479er" said the Director

479er turned from her work and looked at the VIPs "Ah, Director, Mrs. President" She got up and saluted

"Are we ready to take off?"

"Just about now. Running final checks now"

"Good, we can get aboard" said Kimball

"HEY!" She shouted at her assistant "I SAID PUT IT THERE, PAY ATTENTION!"

He sighed and moved the crate elsewhere

"Wait!" said a new voice

They turned to see Aiden Price, the Director's assistant walking towards them

"Director, there is a lead on one of the Insurrection remnant bases" said Price "Would you like me to send some agents to the location?"

"Go on ahead, President" said the Director

Kimball nodded and went inside the Pelican

"Send Agent Pennsylvania and Agent Hawaii there"

"Carolina also volunteered"

Dr. Church sighed and "Her brother won't like that"

"She insisted"

"Tell her to rendezvous to Beacon when she and her team completed eliminating the remnant"

Price nodded and walked away

"Hey! Come on!" called out 479er "We need to go or we'll be late!"

The Director nodded and headed inside the Pelican

"NOT OVER THERE,OVER THERE!" She yelled and gestured at the assistant "Just quit screwing around and put that thing back where you found it!"

As she goes inside, the assistant falls on the crate and starts to cry a bit

Inside the Pelican, Kimball, the Director and some soldiers sat in their seats. 479er sat in the cockpit and flipped some switches, activating the Pelican and the engines started to turn on

"Are you nervous?" asked Kimball

"No, I'm looking forward to finally meeting Ozpin and Ironwood face to face after all these years" answered the Director

"I meant seeing your son again"

Dr. Church was silent for a moment and then said "I suppose... Seeing him again is one of my greatest concerns"

Kimball smiled as the man showed some of his humanity a bit and said "Well, good luck then"

The Pelican then rose to the air steadily. It turned to the opened hanger door and flew through it, heading for Beacon

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