(Late) Christmas Special

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(Delayed by family gatherings and mostly my utterly accursed procrastination)

Twas the morning before Christmas. Donut woke up and looked out the window. The area was a bit foggy and the ground was completely white and glistening. The giant sparkling tree in the middle that had to everyone set up in November was still up, making through the blizzard. Donut had burst of excitement

"IT'S ALMOST HERE!" He said as he jumped up and down, being joyful and gay

His excitement woke his team up. Simmons who was about to fall off the top bed, fell in surprise and landed on his side, pressing the Grif trigger in his pocket

Grif sleeping soundly, was dreaming he was about to eat an entire buffet, but was interrupted by 5,000 volts coursing through his body. He was covered in black stuff and landed on Simmons

Lopez simply rose up and looked around

"No estoy limpiando esto [I'm not cleaning this up]" He said

"Get off me!" said the maroon cyborg as he pushed Grif off him. "What the hell, Donut?! Sarge told you to keep your excitement a bare minimum till we're awake on every Christmas eve!"

"I know but it's always so exciting when Christmas comes around" the lightish red teenager wagged his tail as he daydreamed. "The decorations, the feasts". Grif gets up quickly "The snow, the games, the fun, the gifts-" Donut stopped

"Uh, Donut?" asked Lopez. He, Simmons and Grif noticed his pause which was a first at Christmas eve

"Donut, what's wrong, buddy?" asked Simmons

"Oh no!" said Donut, putting his hands on his face "I didn't get Sarge a present!"

"That's okay, you can take Simmons'" said Grif. He looked for his reaction but to his surprise, Simmons also had the same reaction

"FUCK! I DIDN'T GET SARGE A PRESENT!" He shouted "Lopez, did you?!" Simmons asked quickly

"No, el hombre es tan molesto para conseguir uno [No, the man is so annoying to get one]" said Lopez


"No, I was relying on you guys to get him one" the fat faunus said

"WHAT!?" Simmons threw his hands up. "We don't have presents for Sarge!?"

"Ehh" Grif shrugged his shoulders. "Better luck next year"

"This is a big deal, Grif!" said Simmons. "It's basically a thank you gift for being a great Sargent!"

"... You're sure?"

"Yeah! We have to make it up to him!" agreed Donut. "We need to get him a really special gift"

"*whining cry* That sounds like work" Grif looks around. "What if we just grab something here?"

"Like what?!" said Simmons "All we have are boring novels, magazines, tech parts and crisp packets! We need to get him something special!"

"¿Qué pasa si pedimos ayuda a nuestros amigos? [What if we ask our friends for help?]" suggested Lopez

"No, Lopez, we can't get the flag. It's back in Chorus!"

"A la mierda [Fuck you]"

"Oh, I know!" exclaimed Donut "Let's ask our friends!"

"Good idea, Donut"

Lopez sighs as they exit the room quickly

Weiss woke up early than her usual time. She got out of bed and looked out of the window. She didn't care for Christmas. It was always bland back at home when her family celebrated it and there was tension between her mom and dad slowly grew over the years

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