V. 2 Epilogue

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The Director was in his room in a luxurious hotel somewhere in Vale. He looked out at the night sky on the balcony as stars surrounding the shattered room shined everywhere. Suddenly, his phone rang. He then went back inside and laid his phone on a black table.

"Answer F.I.LS.S" ordered the Director, standing straight with his hands behind his back

"Patching..."  A hologram then appeared in front of him, taking the form of female aqua armoured soldier who was in the same posture as him

"Mission report, Carolina" demanded The Director

"Certainly, sir."  answered Carolina. She'd sounded more formal and stern than the time she spoke to her brother. "The remnants of the Insurgents is steadily taking care of. We already apprehended ten bases while you're away, capturing a hundred personal and incapacitating thousands of them. Me and my team only have to take care of five more bases before the Insurgency will collapse"

"Will they be difficult?" asked The Director

"Will they be what?"

"Will- They- Be -Difficult?"

"No, we'd already took care of their top personal. The ones left were just captains taking over their positions. I doubt they have the same degree in experience"

"Tell me, are Hawaii and Pennsylvania competent enough to handle this mission without you?"

"Without m-" Carolina stopped herself. "Yes, Hawaii is an excellent demo-man and can hold his own against 10 men, surprisingly after what Texas did to him. And Pennsylvania is an excellent scout with good reaction time and seems to have a lot of decent skills at her disposal. Makes me wonder what she did before becoming a Freelancer"

Satisfied with his answer, the Director said: "Good, I want just you to rendezvous to Vale immediately"


"Today, an terrorist attack had occurred in the middle of Vale and the Huntsmen and Huntresses were sent out to take care of the problem as soon as possible"


"That's the problem, it was easy. The average Huntsmen and Huntresses were kids with only a few months of experience and we had apprehended a lot of the terrorist group and their supposed mastermind"

"You think there is something else going on here. An ulterior motive, perhaps?"

"Yes, I'm afraid whoever is behind this is more cunning than we initially realise and that's why 'I' need your assistance to stop their plot"

Carolina looked down. "I'll be there before you know it." answered Carolina. "Over and out"

The hologram disappeared and the Director looked out at the sky once more, deep in thought

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