Chapter 9: Beginning Of The End

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"A beautiful ring... for a beautiful woman."

"I'm sorry?"

"What!? Impossible! What did...!?"

"She went that way!"

"Someone, call the police!"

"How'd she do that!?"

Emerald ran into an alleyway to make her escape. She continues to run but stops at the sight of a dead end. "How did you do that?" She turns to see Cinder Fall, smirking

This was the first time they met. The both of them were younger here, hair was shorter, clothing were different and even weaponry. Emerald was cornered against a wall by her. She glares at this stranger while glancing around, backing away slowly and not answering. Without warning, she attempts to get her revolvers from their holsters.

"Don't," Emerald grimaces before Cinder continues. "Unless, of course, you want them to hear you." There is a sound of footsteps running past and voices while she speaks, making Emerald letting go of the grips.

"What do you want?" asked Emerald.

Cinder stepped forward slowly, glass anklet shifting with her footsteps. "I've already told you. And I don't like repeating myself."

"I didn't do anything! Just leave me alone!"

"I know my fair share of liars and thieves. Stealing is an art of patience, coordination, and in a pinch, sleight of hand. But you didn't steal the ring in your pocket." Emerald looks shocked and checks the pocket where her prize is as Cinder crosses her arms, continuing." You took it right before the jeweller's eyes. And he smiled."

Emerald's surprise quickly turns to suspicion once more. "Who are you?" Cinder just simply smiled.

In another time, a confident Cinder and wary Emerald watched the panting of a bruised and bloodied face of Mercury. He was tired and his knees were bandaged and stained from blood as a light from a burning house danced behind him.

"What are you looking at!?" demanded Mercury.

"I'm looking for Marcus Black," answered Cinder

Mercury spits blood on the ground as he gestures back at the burning house and the white-haired man lying face down behind him. "There you go," He said, scornfully

"That's... the assassin?" asked Emerald.

"And you're his son," said Cinder. Mercury doesn't acknowledge this, merely wiping his lips of blood, but she grins now. "We saw your fight from the treeline. He's taught you well."

"Guess so."

"What's your name?"

A moment passes before he tells her "Mercury."

Cinder nodded in approval before asking: "Mercury... Tell me, are you anything like your father?"

"You sure he's here?" asked Emerald. They found themselves in a bleak tavern where patrons quietly drinking to themselves. She and Mercury followed Cinder upstairs.

"The town's rumours fits his description"

"Ya sure this guy is what she says he is" asked Mercury as they walked upstairs. "For one, he could be just a huge fraud-" A knife was suddenly thrown behind Mercury and Emerald, cutting their cheeks before stabbing into a pole next to Cinder. They all turned around to see Felix sitting alone by himself at a table.

"Well, you certainly didn't fit yours, master assassin," he said scornfully. He was wearing a sort of damaged grey and orange armour of some kind, bits and pieces seemingly beyond repair. Blood was splattered over it, mixture of both his and someone else. He groaned as he reached for his drink across the table.

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