Chapter 6: Burning The Candle

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Teams RWBY (minus Blake) and CLMA are setting the decor for the dance. Tex is setting up ribbons on chandeliers, Yang and Caboose setting up the speakers, Church and Weiss setting up the tables, and Tucker trying to blow the balloons while arguing with Wash

"Look, I'm sorry we didn't bring you!" said Tucker as he wrapped a ballon with a ribbon. "But we needed to do it now or things could've gotten worse"

"Oh! So you don't bring the other most trained soldier in the group"

Tucker thought for a moment. "Now that you say it, it sounds pretty dumb that we left you behind"

"That's because it is!"

"Hey! Old married couple!" shouted Church looking away from his scroll. "I don't see balloons being blown!"

Tucker flipped him off and continued his job with Wash helping. Church continued to look on his scroll, clearly bothered. He then took his eyes off it and saw Ruby resting her head on her hand, gloomily staring into the distance. A bit concerned, he then approaches her, leaned on her chair and knocks on her head

"Hello! Remnant to Ruby!"

Ruby snapped out of her daze. "Oh, hey, Church"

"You alright?"

"Yeah, I'm okay"

"Still thinking about Blake?"

She gave a hum meaning yes. Church tried to think of a way to make her happy when they're startled by someone slamming their palms on the table they're at.

"I need you to pick a tablecloth" said Weiss. She slides two squares over to Ruby and Church, both seeming to be similar shades of white.

Church squinted while looking at the tablecloth. "Weiss, if I had to flip a coin to pick a tablecoth, I doubt I would notice the damn difference to pick on. e"

"Aren't they both the same?" asked Ruby, confused.

Weiss sighs in frustration. "I don't even know why I asked!"

She walks away as Yang comes in carrying a massive sound speaker on her shoulder, which bounces her sister, Church and the table she's moping on again to jump in the air when she drops it on the ground.

"So, have you picked out a dress yet?" She said as she approached Ruby, brushing herself.

"What's the point? Who cares about the dance if Blake isn't coming?"

"Oh, don't worry; she's coming" reassured her sister

"Bow Chika Bow Wow!" sang Tucker from afar

"You set him up" said Church

"Yeah" agreed Yang

"Weiss! I thought we agreed: No doilies!" shouted Tex coming down a ladder.

"If I don't get doilies, you don't get fog machines!" retorted Weiss.

The girls are interrupted by the sound of doors opening with Sun and Neeptune entering.

"Your dance is gonna have fog machines?" asked Neptune.

Weiss suddenly became sweet. "We were thinking about it..."

"That's pretty cool"

"You all excited for dress-up?" asked Sun.

"Oh my god, it's Halloween again!" shouted Caboose, droppibg a speaker.

"Pfft... Yeah, right!" Ruby replied.

"Laugh all you want" said Yang. "I'll be turning heads tomorrow night!"

"And hopefully make things rise!" added Tucker, gesturing to his groin.

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