Character Bio

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Something I should've done earlier to avoid exposition

Leonard Jr L. Church

Age: 17

Weapon: Epsilon

Semblance: Memories: The user is able to summon an apparition of a person they remember so much about. Using this without improving it, however, does use a large chunk of aura

Lavernious Tucker

Age: 17

Weapon: Energy Sword (Lustful Key)

Semblance: Portals: The user is able to summon a portal at will in a large proximity. When the user uses the portal, they will be covered in black smudge.

Michael J. Caboose

Age 16

Weapon: Freckles

Semblance: Super Strength: The user has permanent enhanced strength and durability

Allison 'Texas' Beth

Age: 18

Weapon: The Betas

Semblance: [REDACTED], Invisibility: The user can temporarily turn themselves and other's invincible. It can also hide their fingerprints as well

Kaikaina 'Sister' Grif

Age: 16

Weapon: Ke anila

Semblance: Wait, What: The user can make targets distracted, mostly through words

Dick Simmons

Age: 17

Weapon: Simmonisers

Semblance: Decoy: The user can make a perfect decoy with their traits and can fight as well. However, if left for too long, they'll gain self awareness and begin to question their life. They are also filled with memories of a much more happy life than the real ones

Franklin Deleno Donut

Age: 17

Weapon: G-string

Semblance: Good Arm: The user can manipulate anything they throw's trajectory

Dexter Grif

Age: 17

Weapon: Grifshot

Semblance: Future Cubes: The user can make orange glowing cubes that can store items, freezing them in time in a pocket dimensions. When thrown again, the items are released from the dimension. If they're moving, their speed and trajectory continues when released

Lopez the Heavy

Age: 5

Weapon: Acero Chupacabras

Semblance: none


Age:4̶3̶ 27

Weapon: Shotgun

Semblance: Red Power: The user can amplify the kinetic energy of an item e.g shotgun shells

Franklin 'Doc' DeFrense/ O'Malley

Age: 22

Weapon: The Barrage of Oblivion

Semblance: Aura Transfer: The user can transfer aura from themself to another. However, they can transfer aura from others to themself

David 'Washington' George

Age: 25

Weapon: none (currently)

Semblance: EMP: The user can throw a bluish energy which sends out a pulse which stuns opponents and cancel out tech temporarily. It's not necessarily an electric magnetic pulse as it can also cancel other semblances temporarily as well

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