Chapter 11: Forever Falls

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"What?" said Simmons

Team CLMA and SDGL had grouped up in Wash's office to hear what he had to say

"Jaune faked his transcripts to enter Beacon without proper traning" said Wash as he leaned on his desk

"I knew his training didn't add up" said Texas

"Hey, don't say that about Jauney" said Tucker "You haven't fought anything since Emerald Forest"

"Why is he doing this? He could get himself killed!" said Donut

"Apparently, he comes from a long line of warriors " said Wash "He never got the chance to fight or train so he snuck in"

"Wanting to honour his ancestors, huh" said Church "And now, one of the smelliest guys in this school knows this and is blackmailing him"

"Dammit, I knew I shouldn't of refused Pyrrha's offer" said Grif "When did you find out about this?"

"Recently" said Wash "I just want you to look after him, unless you got better ideas"

The teams both raised their hands

"Without killing Cardin in a very satisfying way" said Wash

All of them took down their hands

"All right, it's settled. Look after the dumb blonde"

Pyrrha was looking out the window gloomily at nightfall while Ren was reviewing Stormflower and Nora was jumping up and down her bed

"How come Jaune comes home so late?" asked Nora while jumping

"He's becoming rather scarce ever since he was fratnizing with Cardin" responded Ren. He checked his mags

"That's weird. Doesn't he know we have field trip tomorrow? We need our rest!" Nora then lands on her back on her bed

"I'm sure our leader knows exactly what he's doing" said Pyrrha bitterly

Ren and Nora looked at each other at her responce and Nora said "Hmm, I guess so"

Jaune was outside the door, ears dropping at the conversation and looked down at the ground gloomily

"Hey, Jaune"

He turned and saw Ruby in her pjs

"Long time no see! Did you lock yourself out again?" She pointed at the door

"Oh, nope! Got it" He pulled out his scroll, showing it to her

"So where have you been lately?" asked Ruby

"I, uh" Jaune sighs "I messed up. I did something I shouldn't have and now Cardin got me on a leash and Pyrrha won't even talk to me. I'm starting to think coming to this school was a bad idea" He then leans on the door and slides down on the ground "I'm a failure"

"Nope" said Ruby


"Actually statically, yeah" said Simmons who walked into the conversation

Ruby pouted at him

"Sorry, continue your conversation" He walked into his room

Ruby then turns to Jaune and says "Nope, you're a leader now, Jaune. You're not allowed to be a failure"

"But what if I'm a failure at being a leader" asked Jaune

"Um, nope"

Jaune scoffs and said "You know, you're not the easiest person to talk about this kind of stuff"

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