Chapter 2: Ruby Rose and Texas

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Somewhere within the city, there was a dust shop, Dust till Dawn. An old shopkeeper was sighing in boredom. He had no new customers in this hour. There is a girl in red hood but after she bought dust, she's just reading a magazine. He sighed and wished this wasn't his shift.

The doorbell then rung and the shopkeeper stood straight up and looked at the newcomer. It was a blonde girl wearing a black cap and leather jacket with armour pads on her arms, legs and chest.

"Can I help you?" asked the shopkeeper

"Yes, I was wondering if you had gravity dust here?" said the girl

"Yes, How much?"

"Enough to fill about 2 canisters. Don't tell me the cost, I already know"

The girl paid, went up to a pipe with that dust and filled the canisters. Her scroll then vibrated and she checked and sighed. As she walked towards the corner where the girl with the hood was, the shopkeeper the noticed there was name on her shoulder pad: Texas

Tex was a bad night. She had gone to different stores to get different types of dust because each one had ran out of specific dust. Just when she thought it couldn't get worse  for the night, her boyfriend is calling and whenever he called on nights like these, it was usually bad. She picked up her scroll.


She did not expect that he's calling about something she didn't tell him about, not the usual situations like Caboose playing with scissors

"Because Kai made a bet with me to see that she will not blurt it out before Beacon and judging by that reaction, I got that 500 Lien." she replied amusingly

"Alright , you gold digging bitch. But why is she not enrolling?"

"Can't you ask her yourself?"

"No because apparently like her brother, she is heavy sleeper and fell asleep before she told the team so answer the question, please"

Tex's tone then turned serious

"Because she didn't want to be burden, especially after what happened with the Meta"

She heard Church sigh when she said it

"You still should've told me. I am team leader" said Church

"Woah, hold on now, I'm team leader. You're a horrible leader, you idiotic bastard!" snarked Tex  

This lead to a full blown argument. Arguing from one topic to another. The red hood hearing the various "fucks" and "bitches" swiftly put on her headphones while reading. Unknown to them, the shop was being robbed

A ginger with a cigar, sporting a bowler hat, a grey scarf and a white coat entered, followed by 7 men in black tuxedos, red ties, black hats and red sunglasses. The henchmen inspected the dust crystals in the shopkeeper's glass counter. All of them glowed in their respective colour. The man in white took out his cigar

"Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a dust shop this late" said the man in white as one of the henchmen  pulled a pistol and aimed at the shopkeeper

The shopkeeper, cowering for his life, put up his hands and said "Please, just take my Lien and leave"

"Ssshhhh, calm down, we're not here for your money" said the man in white

The shopkeeper was relieved.

"Grab the dust" ordered the man in white to his henchmen

One of the henchmen put down a case and taking out canisters with others doing as well

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