Chapter 7: Dance Dance Infiltration

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Ruby, Church and Tex stood near the pensively. As Tex scrolled on her Scroll, Church and Ruby watched as people chatted, laughed, and danced on the dance floor. Jaune then approaches them, a bit awkwardly

"I see you guys are hiding at the punch too" He remarked

"Yep." confirmed Ruby

"Well, cheers to the socially awkward!" said Church triumphantly, lifting his glass

Jaune and Ruby giggles, clinking their glasses with Church.

"Sorry things didn't work out with Weiss, Jaune" said Ruby, trying to comforting him

"If you want, I know a redhead who would like to get down with you" said Church, hoping to make Jaune a little less denser

"Meh, it's fine." Jaune replied. "Besides I understand why Weiss didn't go out with me, Neptune's pretty "cool". I get why she went with him"

Ruby, Church and Tex then looked at him with confusion. "What do you mean?" asked Church

"Well, come on, not many people can pull off blue hair." Jaune said as begins to drink his punch

"First of all, I'm one of thoses people." said Church. Tex snorted. "Shut up, and second of all, Ice Queen came alone

Jaune chokes in his drink in surprise. "Uh, what?"

Ruby and Church point at Weiss trying desperately to coax life out of a wilting white rose. When she fails, she looks visibly upset.

"Yeah, she said that she had too much to focus on to worry about boys." said Ruby

Laughter draws Weiss' attention to Sun Wukong, Blake Belladonna, and Neptune Vasilias as the latter entertains the others with some impressions and other silly faces. Jaune, observing, becomes visibly perturbed.

"Hold my punch." He spoke in a low growl

Jaune hands Ruby his glass and no sooner than he vanishes from sight does she choose to drink from his cup which weirds Church out a bit.

Like a tornado going past a preschool, Jaune makes his way across the room, shoving other students aside (some of which were not even in his path). He then, however, stops short and watches as Pyrrha in a red dress passes by. He watches her walk glumly up the stairs and seems to have a change of heart.

Palomo was getting chicken from a food bowl when Tucker approached him from behind and tapped him on the back

"Hey, dude" said Tucker

"Oh, hey, Tucker!" said Palomo. "What can I help you with?"

"Nothing, I just came here for the chicken" He grabs a leg and starts chowing it down

"Wait, did you come here to check how I'm doing?"

"No, why the hell would I care about you?" asked Tucker, muffled a bit. Bits of chicken fall down his mouth. "But now we're on the subject, how are you holding up?"

"Oh, I'm fine honestly" said Palomo with a fake smile. "I'm doing great!"

"Really?" asked Tucker, not convinced


"Even when Jensen is dancing with someone else?"

"Yeah" He said this a bit more strained.

"And not you?"

Palomo sighed and looked at the maroon couple who were chatting with people. "What's the point? I couldn't shoot my shot at the right moment and besides, she's with someone she liked for a long time. Got an idea what that feels like?"

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