Chapter 3: You want to come to my school?

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Ruby, Tex, and Church sit in a dark small room with a light bulb on them with the Huntress, now named Glynda Goodwitch, ranting on about how their actions put themselves and others in danger. Ruby was listening to her scolding, feeling a little sad. Tex was tuning it out, not caring as she was swinging on her chair. Church had his hands on his head, thinking: "Shut up, shut up, shut up-" and so on

"I hope you realise that your actions tonight will not be taken lightly, young ones" said Glynda

"You put yourselves and others in great danger."

"They started it" said Ruby

"Dickhead" said Church

Both Glynda and Ruby glared at Church

"If it were up to me, you'd be sent home with a pat on a back..." Ruby smiled "and a slap to the wrist."

Glynda then smacked her crop duster on the table, gaining the attention of Tex, making Ruby squirm, and Church saying "What the shit?!"

"But.. there is someone here who would like to meet you."

Glynda then moved aside and in the doorway was a man with grey hair wearing small circle shades, a black suit and a green scarf, holding a plate of cookies on one hand, the other holding a cup of coffee.

The trio recognised him as Professor Ozpin, Headmaster of Beacon Academy.

"Ruby Rose..." said Ozpin as he gets closer to her "You... have silver eyes" 

"That's not creepy" said Church sarcastically

Glynda glared at him again. Ozpin turns to him

"Leonard Jr L. Church, your father spoke mostly highly of you" he says

Hearing that, Church straightened up.

"Of course, Dad spoke to him" he thought

Ozpin then turns to Texas

"Do I have permission to say your full name, Texas" asked Ozpin

"No." she answered not surprised because he mentioned the Director

"Very well,.... So!" Glynda pulled up something on her tablet. It showed the footage of them fighting "Where did you all learn to do these?" 

Tex and Church were not sure if they should say it in front of two people that don't know the Director. Luckily, Ruby answered first

"S-Signal Academy."

"They taught you to use one of the most dangerous weapons ever designed?" said Ozpin

"Well, one teacher in particular."

"I see" said Ozpin as he put down the plate of cookies

Ruby takes them and eats them while Church takes 3 and puts it in his pocket just in case he can bribe a certain blue individual

"It's just that I've only seen one other scythe-wielder of that skill before. A dusty old crow."

"Mmmm!! Thash muh unkul!" said Ruby with cookies in her mouth. She swallowed and said "Sorry, that's my Uncle Qrow!"

"Wait, with a C or Q?" said Tex

"Err, Q"

"I meet him once, It was fun sparing with him"

"Seriously, what happened to normal names?" said Church

Everyone flashed him a look

"I am sorry for ever being in contact with this man" said Tex

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