Chapter 4: The Shining Beacon

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The Airship landed on the ports of the school. Everyone came out and Vomit Boy went to the nearest trash can and vomited in there. The group then gazed at the tower surrounded by arches.

"It's so big and long. Letting a lot of natural lighting in." said Donut

"The view from Vale got nothing on this." remarked Yang

"Hey guys, we got collect our friends and meet someone so we have to go." said Simmons as he took Donut with him. They said their goodbyes and went off.

Ruby then noticed the weapons the people passing by were carrying and swooned over them

"SIS, THAT KID HAS A COLLASPLE STAFF AND SHE GOT A FIRE SWORD" said Ruby as she went off and Caboose following her

Yang then pulled Ruby and Caboose back with Caboose being harder to pull

"Easy there lil' sis, they're just weapons" said Yang

"Excuse me?" said Freckles

"Oh, um"

"Just weapons?" said Ruby angerly. "They're an extension of ourselves, they're a part of us! OH, they're so cool!"

"Well, why can't you swoon over your own weapon? Aren't you happy with it?" asked Yang

Ruby unfolded her weapon and hugged it, while Caboose stared at it with interest

"Of course, I am happy with Crescent Rose! I just like seeing new ones. Its like meeting new people but better." She puts away Crescent Rose.

"Ruby come on, why don't you just try make some of your own?" Yang pulls Ruby's hood "Besides, you made three new friends today" She points at Caboose

"That's because they introduced themselves and..." She pulls up her hood "Why would I need friends when I have you?

"Well..." A group suddenly comes behind her "Actually my friends are here now, gotta go, I'll text you, Caboose take care of her, bye!"

Yang and her friends past Ruby and Caboose quickly and made them dizzy and sprinted towards the main building

"Wait, where're you going!? Are we supposed to go to our dorms!? Where are our dorms!? Do we have dorms!?*scoff* I don't know what I'm doing."

"Okay, I'll take care of her" said Caboose as they both collapsed on a passing dumbbell and its cases

"What are you two doing!?" said someone

Ruby and Caboose saw a girl with a tied up white hair, a white dress and coat with a rapier on her hip

"Sorry" they both said

"Sorry!? Do you have any idea of the damage you could've caused!?" screamed the princess

"Uhh?" Ruby picked up a case. It bared a snowflake on it

"Give me that!" The princess picked up the case and opened it "This is dust, mined and purified from the Schnee Quarry!"

"Uhh" Ruby was still confused while Caboose nodded, saying "Uh huh"

"What are you, brain-dead?"

Caboose pointing at himself answered "Yeah, probably"

The princess' eyes twitched and she takes out a vile and shakes it

"This is dust! Water, fire, lightning, energy!

Some dust falls to Ruby's face and Caboose looks at a dropped vile near him

"Are you two even listening to me!? Is any of this sinking in!? What do you have to say for your self!?"

Ruby sneezes and Caboose quickly touches the vile and breaks it.

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