Chapter 12: Battle Of Beacon

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Tucker, Caboose, Blake and Weiss watched as the horror around them unfolded. Dozens of civilians run away from the hordes of Grimm. AK-200s are firing at the dark creatures, and a vendor hides behind his booth when a group of Ursai run past. Several Nevermores fly across the sky, one holding Roy Stallion in it's talons. Civilians continue to flee as Grimm continue to run amok, and a dead Creep on the ground starts to dissipate. Behind them, a Beowolf starts running towards them, about to pounce. Tucker, not turning around, pulled out his sword and shot a blast at it, killing it and stopping it just short.

"I'm calling Church!" exclaimed Caboose, pulling out his scroll.

"I don't believe this...," said Weiss

Blake quickly pulled out her scroll. "Yang, are you okay?"

On her end, Yang ran down the hallways of the dorm with Zwei, scroll in hand. "I'm fine. Is Ruby with you? She's not answering her Scroll."

"No, she isn't." At those words, Yang stops in her tracks with a worried expression on her face. "Yang, I'm sure she's fine. She's our leader. She can take care of herself."

Yang closes her eyes and curled her fist tightly. "Right," She then said hesitantly.

Yang continues forward with Zwei and turns the next corner of the hallways.

"Church is not picking up!" said Caboose, worried in the fairgrounds.

"This can't be happening," said Weiss. "Penny..."

"I'm headed to the docks near the courtyard," said Yang through the scroll. "The White Fang are releasing Grimm into the school!"

"The White Fang is here!?" shouted Blake, alarmed. Through her Scroll, everyone then hears the sounds of Grimm growling, and Blake's expression grows ever more worried. "Yang!"

"Ugh! Gotta go! Be careful!" shouted Yang. The call ends, much to Blake's dismay.

"What are we going to do?" asked Weiss.

"Well, we've been training for this," said Tucker. He then ignites his sword, the bluish purple hue glowing against the fire around them. "Let's go down to the docks and see if it paid off." Everyone gave each other a look before nodding in agreement and used their scrolls to summon their lockers.

Back at Amity Colosseum, the Nevermore screeches as it continues to weaken the force field that's keeping it from getting in.

"Warning: Safety Barriers Failing," announced the systems.

As civilians run past her in a panic, Ruby stays kneeling on the ground with her head down, her expression in a mixture of shock and sadness. As the Nevermore circles around the colosseum, Pyrrha struggles to stand as she looks in shock at the torn apart Penny.

"PYRRHA!!" called out Jaune in the stands. "Pyrrha, that thing's going to break in! You've gotta move!"

"Ohh, fuck this!" Church ran to Pyrrha, gun in hand. As he did, Jaune, Ren, and Nora looked up and see the force field flash as the Nevermore rises back up before diving back in. Wasting no time, the leader of Team JNPR jumps from the stands into the arena.

"Jaune!" called out Nora.

"Pyrrha, please snap out of it!" Jaune shouted, running towards her.

Suddenly, the Nevermore completely breaks through the holographic barrier, and the force of it landing on the arena floor knocks back Jaune, Pyrrha, Church who quickly used his gauntlets to slow his sliding and the pieces of Penny. The Nevermore screeches and lunges towards Pyrrha. Suddenly, the Nevermore is knocked back by a red, twirling blur of roses, with the cause of the blur gripping one of Penny's swords and stabbing into the Nevermore, before jumping back down in front of Pyrrha.

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