Chapter 1

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A young around 28yrs landed on mumbai airport from his private jet.As soon as he landed he was surrounded by his bodyguards.

On the other side of the mumbai airport a young girl around 25 yrs landed on airport form her private jet and she was welcomed by her p.a alia and her bodygaurd vikram bhaiya.

(The man is none other than shivay and girl is anika)

Shivay was walking towards his car while talking on his phone and anika is walking towards her car and talking to her p.a.

Vikram went towards her car for loading her luggage.Alia went to attend her phone.

In meanwhile,Shivay accidentally bumped into anika.

Anika in fear of kissing ground closed her eyes tightly.After good 2 minutes she slowly she opened her eyes only to get lost in his  gery eyes.

She slowly observed his perfect features his perfectly gelled hair,his grey eyes, pointed sharp nose, fair skin, domed shaped cheeks, pink lips, broad wrestler shoulders, hard manly chest and height around 5'9''.

Her one hand was on his shoulder and one hand was on his chest.His hands were on her pettiee waist holding her protectively.

He cleaered his throat to get her attention and said smirkingly said

Shiv: Watch your steps kitten.

He was surprised for his own umderenments.

Ani: Ummm..Sorry I didn't saw you.(shyly tucking her hair behind her ear)

Shiv: It's okk.

He walked away from her flickering his hair and Anika ka surprised for her own act for not rebuking.

As they both sat in their car for their journey to their mansion.

Anika and shivay was scrolling in their phone caught attention of each other pics that was clicked by mistake.

Anika caressed his face was thinking about him and said


Mr.Handsome will I able to meet you again??

POV ends

And other side same shivay caressed her face in his phone and was thinking about her.

Shivay's POV

As I was walking on airport talking on my phone about some office stuff. I bumped with some soft body and immediately held her. She quickly closed her eyes tightly in fear. But she easily cooconed herself in my arms and she easily fitted as my arms are made for her only. Then she opened her eyes slowly and I was lost in her honey brown eyes. She was perfect her thick black waist length hair, big innocent and not so innocent eyes, red cheeks, fair skin ,pink luscious lips ,her small but pointed nose.
She is just 5'4'' in height. I talked with her as I was own surprised by my act as I used cheesy word for her. I saw her checking me out and I smriked and just walked asat saying it's okay. But now I want to meet her again and know about her.
Ms.Beautiful will I able to meet you again??

POV ends

Precap: OM &RM


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