Chapter 32

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Rudra immediately drove his car to lifeline hospital with a bleeding anika on his back seat of car.

Entering inside the hospital he again picked her up in his arms and shouted for doctor. Seeing bleeding ASRO in Rudra Singh Oberoi's arms doctors gathered around the OT and nurse brought the stretcher for her.

Keeping her on it nurse pushed the stretcher inside the OT and doctors started treating her.

Rudra sat down there tense and worried how his brother is going to react seeing his bhabhi's condition. He sat down on the metal bench near the OT.

After some minutes Shivay came out from the OT as he was busy in one of the operations. He saw rudra sitting there and his shirt full red of blood, he went near him and kept his hand on rudra shoulder. Rudra stood up and hugged him and started crying.

Shiv: Rudra what happened why are you crying and Why is your shirt full of blood.

Ru: Bhaiya Anika bhabhi meet with an accident and her back head was full of glass pieces. Her shirt was torn on shoulders. So I brought her here.

Listening it shock would be and understatement for her. Someone tired to take his anika away from his. Some tears dropped from his eyes.

Shiv: Where you meet her in office or in between road.

Ru: Bhaiya I was going home. When I saw a car meet an accident and I went to see who was it. It was anika bhabhi. So I brought her here.

Shivay nodded and he was not in state to speak a word more.

He thought he need to be strong for her and aryan. He need to be strenght of her.

Shiv: Rudra call all family members. And wait here.

Saying he took out his phone and called khanna.

Shiv: Khanna what happened with anika in the office. She meet an accident now.

Kha: Sir Anika mam was attending a meeting with Khurana. In between the meeting she needed some file so she went to store room on her floor and khurana also went behind her. But after some time he came back but she didn't came.

Shiv: What are you saying khanna. Is the meeting going on now.

Kha: Yes sir.

Shiv: Stop the meeting and bring that khurana in our warehouse. Beat him blue and black and wait for my further order.

Kha: Yes sir.

Shiv: And send me the footage of store room and meeting room.

Kha: Yes sir. I will send it now.

Khanna sent him the footage of the meeting room and store room. Till the time whole oberoi family and Raizada family came to the hospital with other members also.

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