Chapter 39

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Anika again started crying hugging him making his heart break into million pieces seeing her crying.

Ani: Shiv I am not bhai's real sister. His mother is my massi and my mother is his maasi.

Shivay's heart sank hearing this thing which he and arnav has locked in their hearts. They decided that they will never tell this anyone not even anika.

He shuttered and said

Shiv: How.

She gulped down a lump formed in her thorat and continued

Ani: 2 years back while I was searching something is store room of RM i got his diary. Curious I read and my was numb. I was not able to think anything. I kept all the things properly and went to my room. No sound came from my mouth. I wanted to scream but no sound came from my mouth. Next thing I did was I wrote a letter to all and book a ticket to Australia. Going there I started my business there and I contacted non.

But after two months bhai came and meet me. He asked a sorry for hiding this from him. He told me whatever happens in our lives he will be my brother and I will be his baby sister. I cried in his arms remembering how I avoided him.

As she conpleted she felt tears on her shoulder and then she realised that shivay was also crying.

Shiv: Honey you are not alone in this world. Your parents will someday leave you but this shivay your husband and your aru bhai your brother will never your both hands.

Ani: I know bhai also told me same.

Anika snuggled more into his chest. Shivay kissed her head and gladly took her in his arms.

Ani: Shiv but bhai told me papa loved massi. Then how can he love ma and marry her just after her death in next year.

Shiv: Honey don't misunderstand papa in this matter. The real truth is. Aunty suffered from a brainhamerage and she died in it. Arnav went in depression. Whole day he used to only say ma and ma. Being in pressure uncle married ma as arnav was just five by then. She took care of him first he was not ready to accept her as his mom but then when he got to know she is giving u a small sister became fine he accepted ma as his mom. You not born by ma and papa's love. You are born by artificial process but slowly as the time passed they fell in love with each other.

Anika sat processing the things all he said to her. When she was finally calmed down and kissed his cheeks.

Shiv: As now you calmed down. Let's go down and have dinner. I am hungry.

Ani: You are right. I have to feed aru also.

Both went down to have their dinner. Followed by their passionate night with full of love not knowing a Strom waiting for them.
Next morning shivay had a important board meeting in VFH so he left early after having his breakfast. Arnav and anika went to RI as they also have a meeting their.

From Daksh's incident anika works in RI and if it's a emergency she goes to ARI with arnav.

When his meeting was over he went to cabin which was on the top floor. As his meeting was done he thought to work here today as today he is free in hospital and he have to forward the procedure of leaving the hospital as he is coming back to business world.

Here anika was in a meeting but her heart was beating loudly and she was getting negative vibes as something is wrong and something wrong is happening.

She shrugged her thoughts and concentrated on the talks that the client was saying.

Shivay was reading some important documents in a file. He was thisrty so he saw the glass on the table for him but it was empty. So he got up and to drink the water from the aquagaurd in his private room in his cabin.

He came back after drinking water, when he was going to sit on the chair a sudden pain hit is head that was unbearable from other times. He clutched his head to stop the pain but it was increasing.

His vision got blur and darkness spread in front of his eyes and he lost his consciousness and fell on the floor pushing the chair. He murmured a name before loosing his complete consciousness.

Shiv: Anika.

Here anika thought someone near her heart was calling her. She dismissed the meeting and went to cabin and called shivay. At first he did not picked the call. Second time also samething happened.

She called him many times. She knows something happened to shivay that's why he is not picking his any calls.

She went to arnav's cabin and called him.

Ani: Bhai please call shivay. He is not picking any of my calls.

Arn: First you sit and why are sweating this much.

Ani: Don't know bhai. I am scared. Something is wrong. Please call him.

She said and some tears spilled from her eyes. Arnav called shivay samething happened he did not picked any of his called.

Arn: Princess he is not picking any calls. Let's go to victoria.

Anika nodded as she was not in any state to speak. She was remembering all the precious moments their love, their cute, banter, their aryan, their marriage.

Arnav drove his car towards Victoria fashion house with a crying anika with him calming her down.

They reached VFH in 30 minutes. ArnAni literally ran to his cabin. When they reached his cabin. She opened her mouth and her heart broke into million pieces seeing his condition.

She only said one word and stood numb as some one took all the blood from her body.

Ani: Shivay.

Precap: Shivay's Condition.


Hello guys so this the next part.

Shower all your love on my all stories. Thank you for all you responses. Hope you like this chapter. Do share your response on this chapter.

I will give one more update today as I took a holiday today. At night I will update Dear love.

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