Chapter 41

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After 7 months,

Yes 7 months have to that unfaithful day. All the family were sad seeing their ever happy shivay waiting for his love. Yes shivay is better now. He recovered early for his anika as she said to him.

He took care of everyone but he himself was drowning in his and anika's memories. They celebrated aryan's first birthday. Aryan missed him mumma. He remembers her.

Shivay and aryan sit in their balcony or garden seeing stars talking about her. Pinky and Shakti prays to god everyday to return their anika.

Khushi gave birth to a baby boy named aarav. He was a sweet boy with beautiful dimples and has inherited anika's eyes. Arnav fully missed his baby sister during the time of his child's birth.

Seeing small aarav shivay missed anika more. He also wants their small children playing around them sharing their food and sleeping between.

Shivay also gave his resignation to the hospital and continued with his business. He now goes to Shivika federation as khushi is on her maternity leave and Victoria Fashion house.

Today shivay is going to London for a meeting for VFH. All were feeling like something good is going to happen. It was feeling like their lost person will come back to them.

Shivay got ready in his suit and went down taking a small bag for his clothes. Aryan ran to him.

Ary: Pappa I will miss u.

Shiv: Aru I will back in three days.

Ary: Come early ha. I and pick my phone when I call you.

Shiv: Yes my baby. I will call you.

Pin: Shivay jaldi ana ha. Aur ek to call kar har din.

Sha: Shivay kuch bhi jarurat padi to phone kar lena. Aur thik se ja.

Shiv: Ha ma. I will call you both. I will take your leave now.

Shivay took blessings of his parents and kissed aryan on his cheeks and left towards the airport.

Seeing the airport he remembered how they both meet at the first time and then fell in love got married. A lone escaped from his eye which he wiped quickly and got down from the car.

He boarded his private jet and started his journey to London. He removed a ring which he made her wear randomly which he liked it and held it tightly in his hand gazing at the clouds outside the window.

Shiv (in mind): Where are you honey? I miss u so much. Why did you left. But whatever was your decision I will not oppose you. But I will never let you go away from me. You don't know how I am feeling now.

My heart is saying that I will meet you soon. But my stupid brain is opposing it. I will find you and hide you in my arms and never let anyone take you away from her.

He wiped his tears and concentrated on his work in front of him.
After 9 hours shivay landed on the london airport for his private jet. He took a deep breath as it was his birth place.

He felt something different in the air something positive and something loving. He shrugged his thoughts and went towards his car waiting for him to take him his mansion in London.

Reaching his mansion all servants greated him and exchanged some pleasantries. He went to his and took a shower relaxing his muscles.

He called his parents and told them that he reached here and will be heading to a meeting after half an hour.

He wore his other suit, wore his wedding ring and watch went out and sat in his car and driver drove the car towards VFH branch London.

Reaching his office he directly went to the conference room and client started the meeting.

After two hours meeting he said as he was tired.

Shiv: Mr.Thomas the ideas you put forward are okay. In middle it need some corrections. My one employee will tell you where it is need. We will have a another meeting tomorrow.

Now you all can take a leave.

All the people present went out to their work. Shivay also went to his cabin. He sat on his chair and released a breath. He just want to crash on the bed and sleep dreaming about him and his anika.

Yes everyday anika comes in his dreams. But yesterday she did came and said we will meet soon. From that time he was restless.

Infact by the letter she left no one searched her cause they have faith that one day their anika will be back.

Shivay called his secretary who sees london branch in his absence who was indian but settled here in London from a long time.

Shiv: Joshi I am hungry is there any nice restaurant near our office. I am tired to go home and eat.

Jos: Sir there is nice hotel here. Ayka Hotel Chains. It is started recently but it has high demand.

Shiv: Okay. Take me there. Have you eaten.

Jos:No sir. I will be having my dinner with family today. My kids were pestering me to take them out.

Shiv: Enjoy then. My driver will drop me there.

Shivay packed up his work quickly and went towards his car and told his driver to take him to Ayka hotel chains.

When shivay entered the hotel. He felt like anika was near him. He sat on a chair in the corner and ordered the food for him.

He ate the dinner feeling happy and he sensed anika near and the food was so tasty. When he was done with his dinner he went to the bill counter to pay the bill.

He payed the bill and the women who was sitting on the chair was pregnant without looking up and said thank you.

But when shivay heard the voice he froze on the spot. Why not he was hearing anika's voice after damm 7 months. He only uttered one word and stood looking at her with wide open eyes and tears were continuously flowing from his beautiful greyish blue eyes.

Shiv: Anika.

Precap: Anika's life in 7 months.


Hello guys so this the next part.

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