Chapter 42

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That day anika left shivay and took a flight to London. She knows only VFH is in London and there is no other office of her family in London. When she reached there she went to shivay's pent house which he used when he was in his high school.

She took two to three days to settle there. She needed food and money for her livelihood so she got ready and went to a broker.

Ani: Hello Mr. Andrew I need some space to start a restaurant here. Do you have any space.

And:Yes I have. But you need to buy it. The owner of that place wants to sell it.

Ani: Okay I will buy that place. You can prepare the papers. But I need to see the place once.

And: Yes mam. Come with me.

Both went to that place which was near VFH. She didn't knew VFH was near. Mr. Andrew showed her that place. She instantly like that place.

Ani: This place is nice. I would like to buy this place.

And: Okay mam. I have asked to make the papers ready now only your sign and payment is left.

Anika nodded and completed all the formalities for buying the place. When the keys came in her hand she went to the nearby park to relax as it has some more time to have dinner.

She sat on a bench gazing the small children playing on the swings and slides. She noticed a lean figure in of mid thirties with a depressed expression.

She went near him and sat beside him keeping a safe distance. She knows she is alone in the big so she needed to protect herself form the hungry eyes.

Ani: Excuse me sir. You seem depressed. Is there any problem I can help.

Luc: Young lady I need a job. I am jobless form last four months and now I am out of my funds. I am unable to say no to my children.

Ani: Ohh..What have you studied sir.

Luc: I am chef. I was working in a hotel but that got closed and I am in this condition.

Ani: Ohkk..I am starting a hotel in xyz road. You can be my chef. I also need some staff.

Luc:That's great. Young lady. Whats your name.

Ani: Anika Singh. From India. You can make me taste your food sometime. I have arranged interview tomorrow for other employees you can also help me.

Luc: Thank you so much anika.

He joined his hands in thanking way and anika nodded no to join hands. They exchanged their numbers and decided to meet tomorrow.

From next day the journey of Ayka Hotel chains started in a great and fast pace. She was happy with her success.

After 1 and a half she got to know she was pregnant with shivay's children yes she is carrying twins. She was 1 month pregnant buy now. She cried whole night as she missed him.

How happy he will be when he gets to know she is pregnant and their aryan will be big brother.

She started taking extra care of her and luc's wife selin also took care of her life a mother. Their kids distracted her when she missed her family.
Today was a different day. She was getting new and beautiful vibes. Like something good is going to happen.

She got up securing her 6 month pregnant belly and stood in front of the mirror. She caressed her belly and the babies moved in response.

Ani: Good morning babies. I hope you both had a nice sleep. I miss your father so much. Someday we will meet him. I wish u both have his eyes. I love you too a lot and your father also. Now let's get ready.

She walked inside her washroom and got ready in a knee length sky blue body fit dress. She wore a pair of comfortable shoes and sat in a car that she purchased 2 months ago.

Reaching the hotel she first went to the kitchen and had her breakfast

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Reaching the hotel she first went to the kitchen and had her breakfast. Then she checked the food stocks and ordered the groceries to one employee which were needed.

When she was done with her regular work she put the plate of open on the main door and sat on the chair which was only reserved for her.

When she sat she took a deep breath as now a days she gets tired easily. Carrying twins is not easy and specially when her husband her shivay is not with her.

During lunch time she ate white sauce pasta and pav bhaji as she was carving for it. Weird combination.

She got to know their one child will be having his taste buds and other child will be having her taste buds. But one thing his espresso helps her from preventing the morning sickness which is not reduced.

In evening when she was checking some finances of their hotel she felt shivay is near her. Her heart started beating in fast pace. But then she shrugged of and continued her work.

But when a customer came on the counter pay the bill he payed the his bill when she said thank you. And the man guessed her voice and said her name

Man: Anika.

She recognised the voice and stood up immediately clutching her tummy with heavy tears in her eyes and said the name which she says everyday and she loves that man which is her dear husband.

Ani: Shivay.

Precap:Back together.


Hello guys so this the next part.

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With love,

With love,Shambhavi❤️

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