Chapter 23

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Shivay and arnav got ready in their causals. And all other boys also got ready. It was some time left for 8pm so Shivay and arnav went to meet Anika and khushi.

Here in anika's room both were getting ready. Khushi was ready in her outfit co-ordinated with arnav. And anika was still in the bathroom. Here dress was on the bed.

Arn:Khush are you ready. Can we come in.

Khu:Yes aru. Come in.

Both entered inside.

Arn: wow khush you are beautiful.

Khushi blushed and said thank you.

Arn:Where is my princess.

Khu:She is bathroom taking shower.


Khu:Aru you come with me. Manager just called me and was asking for naira's drinks.

Arn:Ok. Shivay can you come with princess. We both need to go down.

Shiv:Don't worry I will come with her.

Arnav and khushi nodded their head and went down to meet the manegaer.

Just then anika from the bathroom.

Ani:Bhabhi is the door locked Can I come. Out.

Shiv:Honey the door is locked. Khushi and Aru has gone down. You can come out.

Hearing it anika came out in her statin bathrobe that was barely reaching till her mid thighs.

Ani: Shiv can you pass me my inners from my luggage.


After a minute of serchimg shivay said.

Shiv: Which color do you want. You have brought all color sets.

Ani:Pass me black color as our outfits are black to.

Shivay nodded his head and passed her things. Anika wore her dress quickly and did some make up. Then she tied her hair in loose messy bun. She was wearing her heels when shivay looked up from his phone to see anika.

Anika was wearing a black off shoulder gown with a slit on her left leg. Her perfect curves were seen and shivay was wearing black shirt and black jeans with black leather shoes.

 Her perfect curves were seen and shivay was wearing black shirt and black jeans with black leather shoes

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