Chapter 33

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Reaching Hospital both shivay and arnav literally ran towards her room. All the family members were standing infront of her room. The door was open but she was lieing on the bed looking at the ceiling blankly.

They both were confused seeing the scene. Both shared a looked and went near them.

Shiv: What happened people. Why are you all standing like this.

Vik: Shivay anika is not allowing to come inside. You see if she allows you.

Shivay nodded and called her lovingly.

Shiv: Honey can I come in.

Anika looked at him just nodded her head meakly. Shivay turned towards the family and gave a look at them 'he will handle her' he closed the door and went near her.

Reaching near her he sat down on the stole beside her bed. He held her hands and kissed her back palm.

He looked into her eyes she too looked back at his eyes. His eyes were showing pure love and trust on her. Till now no words were exchanged between them.

Ani: Shiv..

Shiv: I am with u Honey.

As soon as she heard those words she broke down into loud cries. She wailed loudly. Sensing her vulnerability he sat on the bed and took her in his protective and safe arms.

Her cires were heard by all the family members who were also shedding tears with her but silently.

Arnav couldn't control his tears hearing her cries he went from there. Khushi also went behind him to give support to him.

Shiv: Shhh...My Honey...Calm down. I am here for you and with u. Nothing has happened to you. You are my strong honey right. Calm down. You will feel pain. It was a small accident.

Ani: Shiv he tried to touch me. He said he hates you and he will make me his. He was creepy shivay. I tried to shout your name but be slapped me and closed my mouth.

Shiv: I know honey. I saw it. I have given him his punishment. So now take some rest. All others are waiting for meeting you.

Ani: Shiv I want some alone time. You stay with me. I want to sleep. Sleep beside me.

Shiv: Ok. Do you want to drink water.

Anika nodded and he made her drink water. Then he messaged all the family members to go home she needs time to face them.

He laid down beside her and kept caressing her head and kissing her forehead.

Ani: Shiv call bhabhi and ask where is bhaiya. I know he will not show his emotions to anyone.

Shiv: She is with him. They are at RM. You sleep now.

Anika snuggled in his arms and slept. A tear drop fell down from his eyes on her hair seeing his ever cheerful and joyous honey. He took slept taking her close to his chest hiding her from the cruel world.

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