Chapter 45

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Today was Anika's baby shower scheduled in karjat as she wanted a in between the nature. As it was Monsoon it was raining as the weather was cool.

Last evening all the oberoi family Raizada family and rana family have left mumbai and drove to karjat where shivay have booked a beautiful resort for them in between the woods.

At night after dinner all of them played UNO cards as anika wanted to play and main thing aarav was not ready to leave anika. He was grinning like a cat looking at her making all of them laugh.

Now getting up early in the morning except anika all family members went to see the arrangements for the baby shower. She wanted natural decoration and how can shivay deny it. 

Here in shivika's room anika woke up and frowned not seeing shivay there. She took her phone and called him pulling the dvuet over her as she was feeling cold and she have worn a shorts and top.

Ani: Shiv where are you.

Shiv: Honey I am here seeing the arrangements.

Ani: Come here na shiv. Aru is also sleeping. And you promised me that you will help me to get ready.

Shiv: Ha honey. You try to wake him up till then I will come.

Ani: Come fast.

Anika hanged the call and turned to her right and saw her other baby sleeping cuddling to her legs. She smiled and kissed his forehead and ruffled his hair.

Ani: Aru wake up see we have to get ready now.

Aru: Mumma please two minutes.

Ani: No baby. See we will get late. Sleep when the function will get over.

Aryan finally woke up and kissed her cheek. He bent down and caressed her baby bump and kissed. As a response the babies kicked and aryan gave a boyish grin to her.

Shiv: Is your kissing each other over then can we get ready.

Ani: Shiv.

He smiled and walked to her he then kissed her forehead and then aryan's forehead and at last the their babies.

Shiv: Come now get a bath. I Will make aryan ready.

Ani: Yes. Make him a pastel shade that we have brought for him. And you also.

Shivay nodded and she went to take a shower. After exact 20 minutes she came outside and saw shivay sitting on the bed doing something on his phone and aryan was nowhere to be seen.

Ani: Shiv.

Shivay looked only to be bolwed by his beautiful wife who was standing in front of him with only towel wrapped around her and water dripping from her wet hair. Her glowing pink skin and added to her pregnancy glow she looked ethereal.

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