Chapter 20

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After 2 weeks.

Today Shivay and anika was going for shopping at VFH and all the other ladies decided to meet at DV for saree shopping and desiger of Raizada Industries. Shivay was in his cabin in hospital studying a patient's file. Just his phone ring caught his attention. Seeing the caller id his face broke into his beautiful smile. It was from Anika. He picked up the call.

Shiv: What's up babe.

Ani:(blushed) Hi shiv. I was thinking to have lunch with u. And then head to VFH.

Shiv: Why not. I will be glad to have lunch with u.

Ani: Okk.

Shiv: Tum yaha aavogi ya me aao ARI.

Ani: Me yaha se nikalne wali hu 10 min me. Aap bas ready rahiye.

Shiv: Okk. I will wait for u.

By saying thsi he hanged the called. He packed his things and went outside of his cabin. He went to talk to management.

Here anika gathered her things and headed towards her car. She started the car and Reached Lifeline Hospital in 20mins. She saw shivay talking on his phone and his back was facing her car.

She went towards him and tapped his back to gain his attention. He mouthed two minutes to her. Then anika dragged him towards the passenger seat and made him sit and she tied his seatbelt. Then settling his bag on back seat she went om drivers seat. She started her car towards the restaurant.

After 10 mins shivay kept his call. He turned towards anika and sighed.

Ani: Done. (Raising her one eye brow)

Shiv: Yep. Where are we going.

Ani: Your fav restaurant.

Shiv: Hmm... Waise how was your day.

Ani:Nice. But I am so much excited for our shopping.

Shiv:I am also excited.

Ani:Hmmm... We reached. Come.

Parking the car they both went inside their private booked area. As anika already booked a private area as she knew shivay needs privacy for them. After settling down they both ordered for each other.

Soon their order was placed and they started having their food by talking, laughing and most importantly teasing.

After finishing their lunch they headed towards VFH for their shopping now shivay was driving and anika was sitting beside him leaning on his shoulder. While talking she didn't know when she slept.

Reaching VFH Shivay parked the car. He turned towards her and patted her cheeks.

Shiv: Honey Wake up. See we reached.

Anika slowly opened her eyes. She looked towards shivay and gave a small smile. She rubbed her eyes with back of her palms. To which shivay found it very cute. He chuckled and placed her deep kiss on her forehead.

Ani: Sorry I don't know when I slept. I was very tired.

Shiv: It's ok baby. Come now let's go.

Anika hummed and took her bag and got down. Shivay locked the car ,by taking his bag he went towards her and took her bag in his hand. Anika smiled seeing his gesture.

They both went inside. As they reached His Secretary John was waiting for them at reception.

Shiv: All ready John.

John: Yes sir. All the things are arranged in your cabin.

Shivay nodded his head and lead anika towards the lift. They reached his cabin there all setup was done.

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