Chapter 44

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Shivay and anika reached mumbai and media got wild seeing the most fav couple of the city again together after 7 months and now pregnant.

His bodyguards cleared the way for them as they got of the his jet and media people starting rushing towards and protecting their master and his wife.

Shivay and anika settled inside his car and khanna have came to pick them up. Anika smiled brightly as she saw khanna.

Ani: Khanna bhaiya how are you.

Kha: I am fine mam. And how are you congratulations for the babies.

Ani: Thank you so much. And did you get married or still single.

Kha: No mam last month I got married and living happily. And guess what she is your PA lily.

Ani: Oh my god. It's so big and good new. Congratulations you too. And you both now have more work to look at our kids.

Kha: Defiantly mam. After all I will be their mamu.

Ani: Yes.

Shiv: Can we get down now. We have reached our home.

Anika giggled at his annoyed face as both khanna and she was catching up their whole journey like two long lost friends.

Shivay helped her to get down from the car and held her hand and went inside DV where his and her families were waiting for them to welcome them.

All of them gasped in shock seeing her 7 month baby bump and aryan was jumping in joy as he saw his mother after a long time.

Pinky and suwarna did their aarti and tied a red thread around their right wrist to keep them away from the evil and welcomed inside.

All hugged anika and cried in happiness as she was pregnant. All the family members were escatic and was looking forward to play with the younger generation specially their grand parents.

Pin: Hay anu you look more beautiful now with the pregnancy glow. In which month u are now so we can have a baby shower for you.

Sha: Aare pinky usse baithne to do pehle phir bad me dekhna baby shower.

Ani: It's okay dad. She is their sweet dadi. Mom now my 7th month is running. And a surprise for you all and for shivay also. They are twins.

Shiv: Annika why didn't you told me.

Ani: I wanted to give you a surprise.

Arn: That's great congratulations princesses. I am so happy for you. Don't know when this small princess who used to run behind me for playing is now carry twins.

Ani: But bhaiya still I will be your small princess remember.

Arn: Yes my princess. Do you want to hold aru.

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